Hi every one! I'm trying to sell stuff so I can buy a 200mW blue and 150mW green.
I have a MCA crystal used for a 1W green. That means you can put in about 3.7W of 808 from any diode and with proper cooling, get a watt of green out. This can theoretically be collimated to about 3mm 1mRad. I am asking $500, but I'll take offers. That $500 includes shipping to anywhere in the world.
I also have another MCA for 75mW same deal 808 in 532 out.
If you would be interested, I have multiple HeNe's pretty much any one for about $50 each. I do have one dual Brewster window tube for about $75.
Also for sale is a stabilized 1300nm laser. Fully contained with a starting delay and modulation, Fiber coupled, 13mW tested. I would say about $150 for that one.
I also have a ton of coherent optic mounts. They are gold plated brass with indium mounting for the optics. I will sell on a person by person basis because there are many different kinds. Probably worth it just for the indium!
I also have 2 fiber couplers coated <0.1%R @ 808nm. These are very nice and come from a Coherent Verdi, used to collimate the fiber input into the YVO4 crystal.
Also, optics, optics, optics, way too many optics. I have thousands of new optics ranging from 1" to 1/64" from coherent. I have tons of cavity optics for large frame Argon and krypton, UV lasers, 532nm lasers, and more. If you are looking for something specific, I jut might have it. Let me know.
Finally, I have a 1" kinematic mount, it is new, $25. :SOLD:
Let me know by replying to a thread. I will also accept a trade/ partial trade for either a 200mW blue or a 150mW green with analogue modulation. PAYPAL ONLY!!!