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Thread: Wishfull Thinking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Wishfull Thinking

    Somehow, I dont think THIS ebay laser pointer is gonna provide 240mW.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Cupertino, California


    It'll put out 240mW easy! Just none of it will be 532nm...

    Admin: In the immortal words of Captain Planet: YOU HAVE THE POWER
    Admin: (To quit being a bitch)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Heh... 3 mw visible, 237 mw IR, that makes 240 mw, right!?!

    I agree - avoid like the plague.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I just 'won' a so called 50mW green laser pen on ebay for £00.99 from a HK seller. Claims it draws 250mA from a pair of AAA's. Should be interesting to see what if anything turns up.
    A lovely childhood. Just me my mother and the voices.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by QUAZAR View Post
    Somehow, I dont think THIS ebay laser pointer is gonna provide 240mW.
    If anyone finds the idea that polluting the eBay laser field with that kind of illegality/misdirection might be bothersome to their own interests in lasers and eBay, then try telling eBay about this one.

    I've told them but they're not acting, they probably think my own interest in lasers means it's just sour grapes. This has to come from more people. That guy's flooding the market with 1-day listings designed to sneak under eBay's radar. He's charging extortionate postal rates to avoid eBay fees, and even that isn't shaking eBay up!

    If that seller is allowing ANY form of radiation at 240 mW to escape a pointer, it's illegal.
    If he is not, it's deliberate fraud.

    It's time to shout at eBay a bit, if maybe five different people do it they will listen, but not if only one does.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I just got a full refund after being told to post the pen back to hong Kong by 'cerlavi' which would have meant me paying £20 postage to get a £1 refund. The trick is to not leave feedback before demanding a refund. If he knows you will call him a crook and a con man he will jump through the hoops which is what he did.

    One feedback states that the 50 mW pen was measured as 5mW.

    Seller also swore on his mothers eyesight that his car audio amp' had been measured at 400 Watts. The makers of the chip involved say 22 Watt!

    Ebay didn't take a blind bit of notice when I lodged a complaint with them over it. I had pointed out that I was going to pass it over to Trading Standards naming ebay as one of the sellers who becuase of being informed of the scam were an active partner in it.
    A lovely childhood. Just me my mother and the voices.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by 450nm View Post
    Ebay didn't take a blind bit of notice when I lodged a complaint with them over it. I had pointed out that I was going to pass it over to Trading Standards naming ebay as one of the sellers who becuase of being informed of the scam were an active partner in it.
    Good. That's the way it builds, if they are told, they ARE complicit if they ignore that. They will say they were not told, but if a case ever gets public, and witnesses are sought, those tiny records are what will swing a case successfully against them. We wouldn't even have to enter a class action lawsuit, it would be enough to volunteer the evidence if there was a call for any.

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