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Thread: hare brained scheme?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    northern maine.

    Default hare brained scheme?

    this could be interesting...

    or not.

    when i was younger,i used to know this guy who loved thinking up things like free energy devices and many other schemes based on his wide,but perhaps not complete,learnings.
    we called him a techie/druid.
    he was a friend,so i will say he was very capable in many ways.
    he designed the yurt we built and lived in up near mt. adams.

    so,one of his ideas was what he called a combustion gas dynamic laser.
    he proposed using acetylene as the gas and i think he said you would cycle or pump gas through it.
    i guess that would be the gas dynamic part.
    his thinking was,i guess,based on all the energy contained in the high electron population of acetylene.

    any of you smart fellows have any real thoughts on something like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Search Sams FAQ. Theres something about a guy who made a laser (Sam said no proof of this) from an gas torch and electrodes producing several watts..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Sounds like a fabulous way to blow up your home. I've read about gas dynamic lasers that were thermally pumped, but they all used CO2 as the working gas. Acetylene is a hell of a lot more dangerous.

    And there's no way I'd even think about using electricity with Acetylene, even if you didn't have any oxygen present. (Pure Acetylene will explosively decompose at pressures above 15 psi; I bet an electric arc wil catalyse this reaction.)

    I think I'd rather try to build a hydrogen / florine chemical laser first...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    northern maine.


    well,i guess i was so bored when i posted this i didn't listen to my thinking.
    i mean,i knew but posted anyway.

    since i can't delete the thread i will tell of an acetylene device i actually helped"build"when i was a kid.
    no,not a laser.
    one fourth of july,you know,fireworks and all,this"adult"that lived across the street and had oxygen and acetylene,got us together and we filled a large poly garbage bag with acetylene.
    we then filled balloons and taped them to the bag.
    we made a fuse by twisting wax paper and taped that to the bag.
    we floated it up and lit the fuse.
    it went bang big time.
    north portland is flat and i'm sure it could be heard for miles.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

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