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Thread: Oh Bollox

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK



    Nothing taxing was being scanned and I have been anal about watching the temp of the scanners so im really at a loss as to why this happened. I really would prefer a reason - at least then you can take preventitive measures.
    As for replacement - yes I have one in my possesion already! (its amazing what you can acheive with a friendly community like PL) I will be doing a rebuild this eve. and will take pix and detail it later on - so watch this space.

    If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
    Laserists do it by the nanometre.

    Stanwax Laser is a Corporate Member of Ilda

    Stanwax Laser main distributor of First Contact in UK - like us on Facebook

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    "Lawyered-Up" hehe can I use that, Adam? Heh
    Yeah I am lucky- got quite a break -could have been over 3K with Virginia's new traffic laws (they really suck too)
    I'm sure I'll get my full complement of RGB one day..
    Last edited by steve-o; 10-02-2007 at 13:13.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by stanwax View Post
    As for replacement - yes I have one in my possesion already! (its amazing what you can acheive with a friendly community like PL)
    How did you manage that? Cool that you have. Any chance you can show me what they show when a line is drawn rotating about its centre slowly, at various scan rates? (Full scale angle or less, less reveals more usually, and is safer.) I've long wanted to see how that should look, ever since my WideMoves failed so spectacularly to show that as they should. I posted a WAV file that could be played, but I guess you might have easier ways to get that display made.

    What I'm looking for is to see which scanners can show that without the line framenting into a kind of narrow distorted loop during rotations. WideMoves have this nasty hysteresis... I won't even think of buying any kind of scanner again unless I can see it proved that they can do what WideMoves can't do, so any help is welcome, and no-one ever took up my request yet.
    Last edited by The_Doctor; 10-02-2007 at 13:17.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006



    Just in case I'm not doomed to having to accept that no-one can scan a rotating line. What's really weird is that no-one will even tell me why they won't or can't do it. I can't beleive that no-one here knows what I'm asking for or why I'd want to know it. I've asked this numerous times over a few months now.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Ask Sam or Pango.. They'll know it.. probably... If you ask politely and
    not rudely...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Haven't resorted to rudeness yet, but politeness hasn't got me anywhere with this either. I explained several times in more than one thread why it mattered to me, and no-one even seemed to notice that it might matter to them.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Native Floridian


    Just in case I'm not doomed to having to accept that no-one can scan a rotating line. What's really weird is that no-one will even tell me why they won't or can't do it. I can't beleive that no-one here knows what I'm asking for or why I'd want to know it. I've asked this numerous times over a few months now.
    Last edited by DZ; 10-07-2007 at 23:03.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Doctor View Post

    Just in case I'm not doomed to having to accept that no-one can scan a rotating line. What's really weird is that no-one will even tell me why they won't or can't do it. I can't beleive that no-one here knows what I'm asking for or why I'd want to know it. I've asked this numerous times over a few months now.
    Would you believe, I have no idea what you are talking about?
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Toronto Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    Any luck finding a replacement? (That is, besides visiting the Cambridge website and shelling out serious $$$?)

    They are not that expensive. About $800-$1000 for a set with drivers and PS.
    I hired an Italian guy to do my wires. Now they look like spaghetti!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Doctor View Post

    Just in case I'm not doomed to having to accept that no-one can scan a rotating line. What's really weird is that no-one will even tell me why they won't or can't do it. I can't beleive that no-one here knows what I'm asking for or why I'd want to know it. I've asked this numerous times over a few months now.
    Sold my Mamba 2004 dongle but just found out that the prog will output to Easylase even without the dongle... nice.

    Agree that politeness doesn't get one very far but persistence does.
    So did a little test for you which are just a little hard to capture with my small cam so a description will have to do. These tests hold for a Raytrack 35Plus tuned to 35K ilda.

    First of all if you are only interested in the effect, best is to blanking the laser on the way back so you only get a single line. To draw two lines, I had to persuade Mamba to draw the line on the way back which resulted in a slightly visible hysteresis. At 30K and 15 degrees scanning angle the space between the lines is in the same order as the line thickness of a very decent laser - very acceptable IMO.

    The separation shows on the diagonals where coordination between x and y axis is crucial. I must add that the ILDA test pattern shows a slightly scewed circle on this scanner meaning a slight difference in phase shift between the x and y axis which screws up coordination. Retuning the set should yield better results for the rotating line.

    Widemoves aren't meant for fine graphics but for beams scanning, right? Raytrack 35plus is meant for graphics and does the job nicely. There will always be some artifacts in cheaper scanners, if it is too frustrating... upgrate to CT. I know I will someday along with the big P and multiwatt lasers

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