Caption Competition. Just for fun.
Caption Competition. Just for fun.
"Suck it up and deal with it"
"My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
*^_^* aka PhiloUHF
"Now you know what really sucks!
Admin: In the immortal words of Captain Planet: YOU HAVE THE POWER
Admin: (To quit being a bitch)
Now we know why the eastern europeans have never won any Gurning competitions
If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
Laserists do it by the nanometre.
Stanwax Laser is a Corporate Member of Ilda
Stanwax Laser main distributor of First Contact in UK - like us on Facebook
Finding the correct change is so difficult when your right index finger has disappeared
" Actually viewing the laser costs vs. budget"
You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich
This really roxx!!
Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
Riya MultiBus
Pangolin LD2000 Pro
dunno how much longer I can hold this - im touching cloth
If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
Laserists do it by the nanometre.
Stanwax Laser is a Corporate Member of Ilda
Stanwax Laser main distributor of First Contact in UK - like us on Facebook
I wonder if people with two asses have to pay double bus fare?
"We are witnessing the brith of a black hole."