Hi all
I've just got my LivePro licence through from Pangolin
So, now the LivePro program starts, so far so good.
I hit the 'Play' button and click on a cue and...Err, well, nothing actually happens. The laser preview window is showing what should be the output, but there is no output from the laser.
Now then, what you need to understand here is that i'm a typical male with a complete disregard for instructions (hate them). Before I bought it I asked a simple question "Will it work straight out of the box", so to speak. The answer was 'Yes', so i'm just expecting to be able to start the program and away I go
I know the laser projector is o.k. because it works fine in Showtime. So, I guess I must be a Numpty and have not set something up that LivePro is expecting. Can anyone give a suggestion as to what I haven't done that perhaps I should have?
I will read the instructions (honest) but it's my daughters 14th Birthday tomorrow and she's asked if I can do a laser show at home for her friends.
After the weekend i'll have much more time to get to grips with things, but for now I just need some beams coming out of my projector