Since I dragged my ass getting my 30ks shipped for RAM and then got them back a lil late, Adam stole them at FLEM, to do a reivew on them when he gets back up to South Carolina, and also took my 20ks to trade with dreams beamz. So I have NO scanners in my lil RGB projector.
So I now have to improvise to get my luminary fix... I dragged out an old Laser FX that I have butchered, put in a MM1 w/mirror, pulled of a side panel on the projector, a lil alignment, and now I have a single axis, sound modulated, RGB laser show.
If anyone has seen a Laser FX in action this is very similar as the mirror motion is the same. My camera only shows a bunch of squiggly lines due to the exposure time. I was going to make a movie, but I was capturing video from FLEM. I use the Winamp plug in for Pangolin to make things interesting and keep the colors changing. I just let it do a 5 second random swap on effects. The Gmack.mp3 put on a nice show. Although it is NOT as fun as watching beamshows or graphic show on a set of good scanners, it will do for now. So, hurry up Adam!!! Please...