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Thread: Laser-wave modules

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Norway, Fauske

    Default Laser-wave modules

    A small laser review of Beijing Laserwave Optoelectronics Technology CO.,Ltd
    I was contacted by brigde (Brigde has before worked at CNI ) at laser-wave on 21 September. He is also a member here in Photonlexicon.
    He asked me if I would be willing to test 2 of their lasers free of charge. No need of paying shipping to me or back. As a laser lover I agreed to test his modules. He sent off his lasers at 25 September fom China. I received the lasers at 2 October. 8 days later. Since I dont was home when it arrived at my door, I got a note that the parcel have arrived. I had to go down to local postoffice to get it.

    Parcel was well packed. There was no sign of damage to the parcel. Inside the parcel was 2 blue boxes. I figured out it was one laser in each box.
    Here is a picture of one of the boxes

    One box had a 300mW 532nm DPSS green laser ( model: LW-GL-II )
    and the other one a100mW 473nm DPSS blue laser ( model: LW-BL-IV )

    Inside the box was styrofoam around the laserhead on top. Below that an new layer of styrofoam
    around the laser controll PCB board and the A/C to D/C power supply.

    I unpacked everything and inspected the contents. Everythin looked allright. Yeah.
    Pretty looking modules.

    The laserheads had an yellow sticker placed over the laser output aperature. I remowed it.
    Here is some pictures of the laserheads.

    TEC fan
    I must say the heads was heavy. I was impressed of the modules so far.

    The baseplate is 130mm long 72mm wide and 12mm thick. Nice and solid baseplate.

    Lasers side by side:
    Blue 100mW and green 300mW

    Nice modules.

    A/C to D/C power supply

    This laser power source is composed by switching power supply and control section.
    in which switching power supply is the 85-265V wide scope input, 5V output

    The powercable had an US connector, so I had to remove it and replace it with an EU connector.
    My fault, didn request this. Still, no big deal.

    Laser driver PCB OEM style:

    No enclosed in any box, since this is the OEM style (You can get the LAB style box upon request)
    Laser Driver PCB with a big heatsink and fans. Heatsink is 90mm long 64mm wide and 40mm high.
    .On top you see the laser driver pcb.

    The laserhead connects to the driver board via a 12pins connector.

    There is also a connection socket to power the laser driver PCB from the A/C to D/C power supply
    Here is the laserhead connected to the PCB.

    Here is an side view of the laser driver

    Top view of the laser driver PCB. It is very compact.

    Back view of the heatsink. Here you can see 2 fans. They are 45mm*45mm.
    They provide good cooling to the 3 chips on the heatsink and fans keep cooled.
    And it is almost silent!! Big plus

    View of TTL (left) and Analogue (right) connections You see small dip switches under to the right of the connections.
    Named P2 (left, TTL Modulation Button) and P1 (right, Analog Modulation Button) Here you choose what type of pattern output you want

    The function introduction
    This laser is able to realize three kinds of pattern output, which are continual working, TTL modulation and Analog modulation.
    The users may choose any working way by themselves.

    A. CW mode
    Put the Analog Modulation Button P1 which is on the control panel to the inter-modulation condition,
    simultaneously put the TTL modulation button P2 to positive modulation state.

    B. TTL Modulation
    When with TTL modulation, establish positive and negative modulation according to your different need,
    also put the analog modulation to hanging condition, Analog button should be put in the inter-modulation condition.

    C. Analog Modulation
    When with Analog modulation, please put the button to outside modulation state, the TTL modulation
    is at the hanging condition, TTL to be at the positive modulating state.
    When chooses 0-5V voltage input, laser power source 0-max electric current output.

    TTL/Analogue cable. The cable is too short and too thin. Cable is around 15cm long
    Maby include thicker cable and that is 70cm or more.

    Analogue cable connected to the laser driver board. Here is it connected to the blue laser driver PCB.

    So far the modules looks awsome and well made.

    This is the end of "part one" of the lasers.
    "Part two" will come soon. Testing power output, stability etc..

    Will post the results soon...stay tuned..
    Review on my site here same as above.
    Sorry for any typos etc..

    Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
    Riya MultiBus
    Pangolin LD2000 Pro

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S.E. Florida


    How about prices???
    Do you know how much they sell for?
    "Gravity its not just a good idea its the law"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rotorua New Zealand


    Those heads are identical in detail to my CNI units that I recently purchased. At least externally.
    The driver units are different ( I have OEM drivers from CNI)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Rotorua New Zealand


    Hey I just noticed I got promoted... now I am a "Senior Newbie"...

    'Just doesn't feel right when you know how little you actually know and read how much some of you guys know.

    Maybe its time the "senior" rank was put up by quite a bit.
    Most of my posts have been getting help not giving it.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ,essex, uk


    well done Ray, and i know what you mean i thought i knew a bit about lasers befor i joined PL but now i sit back and read the long chats some of these guys have about all things technical and i say to myself ,maybe one day lol , nice pics of thoes lasers, same as astroguy ,any prices

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Talking good AD here

    Nice job, cruch! I think it is one good way to advertise products.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    quanlity is always the most important thing ,and time will prove it.just like our PBS.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    nice lasers!cruch !

    and any more....we're all looking forward the final results

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Norway, Fauske


    I have running them for 48hours. I re-checked the power output power every hour (timeconsuming and almost no sleeep hehe) Look for the attatchment test1.rar for the results(it is in .xls) After the 48hours test, I run the lasers for another 48 hours and measure the power(12 hours without measure then measure the output for 12 hours) Total 96hours of power masuring. You will be suppriced of the power readings I had an CNI 200mW greeen laser that I also did the same test. The temperatures on the head and drivers was cool and it stayed like this all time. The laserdriver was barely warm when you touch it under the test. The fans provide good cooling on the laserdriver and the fans are very silent. Beam quality appeared to be nice, with a round TEM00 beam diameter of just under 2 mm at the output aperature of the head of the laser-wave blue and CNI. The laser-wave green appared to be 3mm. Blanking performance is good on all alsers. I think the laser-wave laserheads are robust buildt (looks like cni) Laser-driver is small and compact, with a big heatsink. Allround I think this lasers will do great in RGB and single setups.
    I got an offer to buy theese lasers for a discount after the test. Offcourse I said yes! Couldnt refuse that good offer and the lasers do perform great.
    I think you would not be dissepointed if you order from laser-wave

    Great service form laser-wave!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails CNI_vs_LASERWAVE.JPG  




    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by cruch; 11-06-2007 at 03:05. Reason: pictures and .rar

    Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
    Riya MultiBus
    Pangolin LD2000 Pro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Norway, Fauske


    Later, I will add the lasers into an RGB setup with a dual maxyz modules and DT40 Pros for galvos! Dichro's from laser-wave. I am really looking forward to it ..

    Pangolin FB3 QS/LivePro/SMS2Laser
    Riya MultiBus
    Pangolin LD2000 Pro

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