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Thread: Hello to the group

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Southampton, UK

    Default Hello to the group

    Having just joined, I thought I'd introduce myself. Hello everyone!

    I'm based in Southampton (UK South Coast), and have been doing small laser shows for the last 10 years, using a modified ALC-60, based on David Green's Lasertech design, which I've recently had regassed by HB laser with new, improved optics added. I'm just embarking on my first DPSS project, using the 45K scanners and low-cost 250mW green (TTL) diode from LaserWorld. My intention is to build this into a 2U flightcase. Still puzzling over how to implement the TTL blanking but this seems like a good place to get some answers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hello GreenAlien! Welcome to PhotonLexicon. Hope you like it here.

    Sounds like you've got some experience under your belt already. That's great. There are several members here that are based in the UK, and they're planning a gathering in February of 2008. If you haven't finished your projector by then, I'm sure you can get some assistance from some of the other members at the event. On the other hand, if you've completed it, then you can bring it to the event and show it off!

    You mentioned that you've been using a 60X to do shows with, but I'm not familiar with the "lasertech design" you speak of. I know there is a laser show outfit in Europe that goes by Lasertech (they use Pangolin), but it sounds like you're using some other controller.?. Also, since you didn't mention an AOM, I'm assuming that all your shows have been done without blanking up to this point?

    What sort of effects are you looking to create with your new DPSS green unit? Are you mostly into beamshows, or are you looking to get into graphics?

    Again, welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing some pictures of your kit!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Southampton, UK


    The argon laser that I use was based on a kit of parts that I bought 10 years ago from David Green. Had to build the PSU, cases etc but the transducer controller boards and control console were pre-built by David. The interesting part of the design is the optical transducers, using small first-surface mirrors cantilevered off the front of 2 small loudspeakers - sounds crude, but works remarkably well and has been 100% reliable for several hundred shows. No feedback though, so overshoot has to be allowed for!
    Laser head puts out about 230mW at 12A (as tested by HB Laser after regassing) but I only use a 10A PSU so the limit is around 170mW. Dichro filters allow selection of green and blue as well as the usual turquoise output, and there are also a couple of diffraction gratings.
    Supplied controller allows lissajou figures and audio modulation plus joystick control to move the output around. I have subsequently built a computer-based controller with 2-channel 12-bit dac and have spent many happy hours doing 'join the dots' type programming in QBasic - or trying to figure out the maths to draw stuff without having to enter every point!

    Only major problem with this rig was last year - after getting the regassed tube back, after a few hours use the laser started misfiring, then went totally dead. Problem traced to dead rectifier in PSU which had also taken out some downstream parts - probably caused by the extra current draw of the regassed tube. (10A, 125V DC!) Anyhow, repaired the PSU with uprated parts and all is well again.

    As you suggest, Buffo, no blanking, so that is something I am looking forward to with the new rig. More interested in beam effects than graphics at this stage.

    More on my website

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    Hi greenalien
    and welcome .... even better your from this side of the pond great to see another uk member ..... at this rate we will be able to takeover the world ..... Murggg wah wah wah ....

    but seriously .... we have a great bunch of guys here from every part of the world ... hobbiest to professional .... all willing to help out

    see you around .... Karl

    and dont forget the UK meet next year

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    Hi GA
    welcome from another UK memeber - look forward to meeting you in Feb in Leicester - cos im sure you will be there
    Check out some of the images from the last (first) meet here

    It sounds like you have your wits about you and are familiar with electrickery - which in this hobby/profession is almost essential. Im sure you will have fun building your 250mw Green but I will put money on it not being long before you add a red and a blue - you know its gotta be done.

    Anyway I hope you stick around and find the forum to be a useful source of info and a place to share your triumphs and woes. We are a freindly bunh of nerds on here from all over the world and we just love the light!

    If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
    Laserists do it by the nanometre.

    Stanwax Laser is a Corporate Member of Ilda

    Stanwax Laser main distributor of First Contact in UK - like us on Facebook

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Yeah - Luv the light.. Hello from the other side of the Pond
    I like beamshows and lack blanking too , and i also got an argon and a DI/ Dpss red / green. Welcome!! GreenAlien!!! It's a hellof a fun trip over here!!! --ON PL---
    Last edited by steve-o; 11-07-2007 at 16:48. Reason: I's had a few-couple of...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    South UK


    Another Lasertech system owner, I wonder how many UK types started that way!

    Mine is still installed in the living room, a late adopter (mine's about five years old) so it was already DPSS!

    Although a lot of fun these old systems, I made the move to proper galvos a few years back, and never looked back!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK


    Hi Greenalien

    Welcome to the Forum, it really is a great place to be. As Rob (Stanwax) says, you really ought to try and make it along to the next UK meet. It's the ultimate photon fix


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Default RE: Hello...

    Hey Greenalien -

    Welcome to the forums - will look forward to seeing more pix...

    -- cheers!

    - jon
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

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