CDBEAM====> Someday !
Progress moves at the speed of a melting glacier for my RGY project !!
(new dog + work load !!!!) Platforms modified with alum.1/2" bar stock to perimeter to stiffen!
Just a quick question for the team ??? What size (amp ) PS is being used to power up the Pangolin FB3. I know I could use a salavaged computer switcher supply....but want to go smaller and lighter !!! A cell phone 5VDC charger/wallwart ??? Would that do ????
Thanx !!!
Beam Axiom #1 ~The Quantum well is DEEP ! Photons for ALL !!
Beam Axiom #2 ~Yes...As a matter of fact...I DO wear tinfoil on my head !!
Beam Axiom #3 ~Whe'n dout...Po ah Donk awn et !!
Beam Axiom #4 ~A Chicken in every Pot, and a Laser Lumia in every Livingroom !!
Beam Axiom #5 ~"Abstract Photonic Expressionism" "Abstractonimical" !!
Beam Axiom #6 ~ "A Posse ad Essea" ~ From being possible to being actual the beam target !