I wanted to make a homemade red laser from an Axiz housing and a DVD burner Laser Diode. I saw the instructables tutorial and thought "oh, this is easy and cheap"... So I bought two broken DVD burners, an LG4167B and an LG4081B and extracted 3 laser diodes, one from the 4081B, and two from the 4167. But I broke one of the 4167 diodes, the powerful one, and I only had 2 ~5mW laser diodes, I tested it and worked fine, but in that moment I didn't know they were only 5mW diodes, but I suposed it so i bought a third VD burner, andother broken 4081B. When I dissasembled the burner, I realised that the powerful 4081 laser diode was in an strange package, with the controller attached to it, and useless for my project... so I bought a fourth DVD burner, this time a 4120B, which turned out to be as 4081, so, finally, I bought the fifht DVD burner. A 4167. I have dissasembled it and extracted succesfully both diodes. But when I test the powerful one, it doesn't light. I think it's not broken, because I can see a little red light spot inside, so I think the problem is in the batteries, but I have tested the diode with 2 AAA batteries, like in the instructables, and it still doesn't light well.
And that's my problem. Do you think the diode is broken? How can I know if it is?
It only lights a little bit, very very little.
I'm very disappointed with this project. Nobody said that there are burners whithout power lasers in TO-18 case, and nobody said how to extract them, or how to put the new laser diode in the housing (they said using a pair of pliers, I have had to use a bank(table) screw (I don't know how to say this in English) with a special tool). So I've spent about $65 in broken burners (with shippement), $49 in safety googles and $15 in housings, and I have only 4 ~5mW laser diodes and 3 housings.
I'm only a 16 years old Spanish studendt interested in electronics and lasers, and I don't wanna spend more money, so please help me if you can and answer in simple english, so I can understand. I think I will buy a 200 mW red laser diode from Axiz ($40) and I don't wanna break it. SO if you have some tips for me, or electronic schemes for I and V regulators, pelase, let me know.
greetings from Spain, thanks for your answer!