Similar to this would be nice ...
Similar to this would be nice ...
look at they usually have some good deals.
Excellent, thanks :0)
Some of the descriptions are so minimal, how do you knwo what state they are in?
Its actually much more of an eBay type of deal, (just without the bidding) anyone can list their stuff on the site. Almost like a consignment but the seller keeps the items at their location.
To simplify gearsource is more of an interface.
Something off topic but cool:|Lasers%20&%20Effects/product/LX1%20Automated%20Laser%20System/pkid/1193.html
An just as a side note, you might find some neutron hazers that are "broken" or dont work. You could probably buy one for dirt cheap. Really the most likely problem is a clogged fluid tube. And that would be an easy fix, but it would still be a gamble...
Cheaper option :
I have a hell of a hazer setup that I would be willing to trade, it is an american dj compressor based haze generator with a few alterations. first off the internal compressor pump has been removed and is replaced by a larger 1hp pump in a seporate box with cooling and air line to hide the loud pump. the pump in these unit were loud from the factory and not good for use on a stage. which is what started this project. since ive been using it i bought a df50 and no longer have use for this setup, output is compariable to a df50 but absolutly silent at point of haze creation. I woiuld be willing to make a trade for a laser of some real power, im growing weary of my 150mw greenie.