Very old 60X head, still works with a little motivating.
Very old 60X head, still works with a little motivating.
That didn't look too hard to me...![]()
Love, peace, and grease,
allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin
Not hard for the coil, without the coil though, it would just sit there and tick all day trying to start.
Is that the one that stopped firing at SELEM?
Yes, its rather stuborn. It wouldn't have restarted at SELEM even with the coil if I had tried. After waiting a few months it starts with the coil. If I wait another month or two it will most likely start without the coil. Its just very old!
Ahhhhhhhh yeassss, the good olde high frequency generator-
I love the smell of burning ozone in the morning-
Better not let L Ron Gore find out about it, or he'll force you to pay for
some kind of enviormental carbon offset-
Spark gap... LOL.. I love it
go big or go home
LOL! Hey man, just doing what I can to help restore the ozone layer! :PAhhhhhhhh yeassss, the good olde high frequency generator-
I love the smell of burning ozone in the morning-
Better not let L Ron Gore find out about it, or he'll force you to pay for
some kind of enviormental carbon offset-
Spark gap... LOL.. I love it
Heh! Except that to do any good you need to fire up that BD-10 while you're at high altitude, not down here at ground level. Down here you're just making smog.
Still, it is a damn cool unit. Wish I had snagged that one I saw on E-bay about a year ago. (Would you believe $30 delivered?) Sigh... I suppose I'll buy one eventually - they're only like $165 brand new - but it can wait...
Have you ever tried to make an ion motor with that thing? (Take a paperclip and bend it into a "Z" shape, flatten the middle, punch a hole in the flat spot and balance it on the tip of the BD-10.) If you mount the BD-10 vertically and get the rotor balanced correctly you should see that little paper clip rotate faster and faster while St. Elmo's Fire blazes away from the tips... (Works best in a dark room, but don't expect dremel-tool speeds!)
what the hell happend to steve-o's post with the spark gap comment?
I didn't realize you could delete entire posts ( completely ) on this forum-
go big or go home
Yeah, just hit 'edit' and choose 'delete' and then 'delete this message'
-What spark gap post? I dont remember that.. I thought I said something like "spit on it" or something.. sounded stupid so I deleted it...