Hi Guys
I have been talking to FRANK at viasho ( http://www.viasho.com ) - hes a member here and like us a lover of coherant beams .... he has generously offered us a large one third discount off his companies already fantastic $1800 price for one of his gorgeous ONE WATT 532nm units .... ideal for laser show use ...these units have variable TTL + and - blanking and also analogue blanking .... i personally have been using viasho units for years and certainly the last year these unit have been faultless... I can highly recommend them.These are attractive units with built in cooling fan in laser head and also separate power driver with display.
On the offer of this very generous one off discount to support our meeting i propose a raffle .... imagine going home from the next meet in feburary with your own 1 watt unit ... wouldnt that be soooo exciting !
I propose absoloute transparency in this raffle and will provide all invoices relating to this unit ....which i hope to either have delivered direct to winner or ideally if the tickets sell well in advance to be able to bring the unopened package to the next meet ready to hand over to the damn lucky winner !
Hopefully our own beloved ELF ANDY will video draw to show anyone who doesnt make it on the day and i propose numbered ping pong balls in a bag a bit like the Uk lottery and I WILL NOT BE PICKING the winner to reassure everyone of no skullduggary .... i think maybe our esteemed host mark should pick the ball from the bag ! ... maybe when we go to dinner to at his place seems a good opportunity !
We need to sell 60 tickets at £10 each which i hope will not be too much of problem as we have around 3 months to acheive . Clearly if not enough tickets are sold all monies will be returned .
So how do you get in on action ? Quite simply paypal £10 to uklem2008@googlemail.com and pick 1 number per £10 between 1-60 to reserve it for you .
I hope enough can participate to make it a reality
1st - 1 watt viasho 532nm laser module
2nd - NEW 12k galvos worth £99
3rd - 50mW Bluesky Stealth SFX - Focassable laser pointer