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Thread: Laser + music intro !!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Laser + music intro !!

    Hello again..

    I always miss a really good intro to show ppl.
    Laser is so nice effect, but I dont just want to open a show and hit that "play" button so all lasers explode into a random light show instantly..

    I want the audience to feel it, smell it , and taste it with a nice experience
    So what I want is a long intro that begin slowly with opening of smoke and sound...
    Then small inputs of sound effects and laser effects !

    After introducing the lasers and the hazerfog the effects should become more powerful with loud impressive sounds and exploding laser effects...

    well that is what I want..

    Anybody else here that miss a show like that to introduce the lasers for ppl never seen it before??

    I found this page with music intro for the sensation party.

    I try to find a nice intro there, then try to make a sweet and powerful show out of it.
    The problem is that it`s not downable mp3 files

    Do you know of a intro that can be used as a intro ???


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Hmm seems like I am the only person that want a good laser intro..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Sorry Phillip, I can't help you there. I'm not really into the whole "intro" thing. I know that it's really big with the European rave scene, but personally I think it's just silly. I mean, come on! It's a dance party, not the end of the world. All that ominous pseudo-philosophical talk about how important things are seems, well, extremely out of place. (Especially considering that a good portion of the audience is so zonked out on booze, pot, or pills that they have no idea what is really going on anyway!)

    Truthfully, I never liked that sort of thing. They do it over here for trade shows and new product announcements. And it sounds just as silly then as it does during a dance party. The announcer is all like, "this new product will change the world as we know it..." No, the new product is a friggin' blender, and while it may be better than the old model, it damn sure isn't going to change the world!

    Remember all the hype when the Apple Macintosh came out? Yeah, same thing. "The world will change." No, not really. It was a cool computer, but not that cool. (Even the Amiga wasn't that cool, and the Amiga was the king of cool in my opinion.)

    It's a pattern that repeats itself over an over. The Segway Transporter, the I-phone, hell, even the new $1 coin that the US mint released. All were overhyped, and failed to live up to the lofty expectations. So I guess I'm just sick of all the hyperbole. (Or maybe I don't like to take myself that seriously.)

    Anyway, if you really want to use one of those intros, you could always play them on one computer while you recorded the sound output from that machine using a second computer. Of course, there are probably copyright issues that would need to be addressed first.


  4. #4
    soforene's Avatar
    soforene is offline The Troll formerly known as Herbert Von Poople-Futtocks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    ...anyway, if you really want to use one of those intros, you could always play them on one computer while you recorded the sound output from that machine using a second computer.
    If that's the route he wants to go down then there are progs that can capture the sound output direct as it comes into a PC.
    Try Spin it Again as one example.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2005


    Haha Buffo
    You make it all so clear to me know....

    Yes I understand what you say that it`s not the Worlds end.
    And damn sure not a new worlds beginning...

    And yes I agree that some of the "rave" intros is silly and sound like a extacy hypah party evolution crap....... something......

    But I what I more have in my mind was a show\intro that can be nice to introduce the laser itself..
    I thinking about the "older" people that have never seen lasershow.
    And I tell them to sit down and watch what a laser can do..

    But all I have is a show that EXPLODE into effects the first second..
    I think it`s not so fun to show the best part first... and then just the same stuff the next 4min..

    Maybe I got it all wrong :s
    Maybe I just need more show to play....

    Well thanx for the answer
    BTW: i did manage to download the intros in MP3 !

  6. #6
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    Connecticut, USA



    i am COMPLETELY with ya! and buffo, i hear you too on the "ominous and absurd deep voice crap..."

    i think a good music selection for a laser demo or show (non nightclub event) is QUITE imperative! i remember watching a laser demo (and not too sure what company it was) that did the grand opening of the new eagles stadium (philadelphia eagles. NFL).

    it used the song, "For those about to rock, we salute you" by AC/DC.

    it was just an EXCELLENT song and proper build up type song! it started out kinda mellow, lasers looked great. doing animatios and stuff on the field...


    the height of the song kicks in and BOOM- lasers blasting all over the stadium!!! the crowd ERUPTED!!! and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. the energy was just overwhelming! perfectly cohroegraphed, perfect song (in my opinion) and it didt require some deep voice saying, "this is the end of the world as we know it. you are now entering the matrix...or whatever..."

    so, liteglow-
    i think what you have in mind is a VERY imprtant part of the laser light show business. ESPECIALLY for a demo. i think every demo i have ever watched started out slow, and then builds up. youre right, you dont want to start a demo out with 4 different laser systems going crazy. part of the excitement with a laser show (IMO) is the crowd becoming a part of the show and feeling like they are being taken on a *ride* so to speak. starting out mellow and slow and nice and pretty effects, and then SMACK!- SENSORY OVERLOAD OF CRAZY LASERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOWEEE!!!!

    i understand where your coming from also. i am a nightclub DJ also and do A LOT of house music, progressive house and trance and stuff. and a lot of the lcubs i get booked at have resident DJ's and intros like the "deep voice." and i always thought it sounded corney and out of place!
    the music and the show should speak for itself. save the deep voice crap for a horror movie trailer on HBO!!!


    if you need some ideas of some good music, shoot me over a PM, alot of house music and trance type music is PERFECT for what youre looking to do. starts mellow. intro to a build up to a crescendo to sensory overload to a cool down to an outro. usually how it goes!

  7. #7
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    Eagles stadium show : (I have the DVD).

  8. #8
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    and yes I will send you a pm...

    THIS is the intro I did se 3-4 years ago (maybe more) ..
    And THIS intro have been my inspiration every day I work on my laser.

    The intro on the disney ILDA 2002 Opening Show is so damn good that I think of that as a "template" everythime I try to make a decent show..

    And that is what I was thinkging about to introduce my laser setup maybe..
    Something that make the audience to stand up and jump

    For any music tip. plz share

    And if you have mamba black: Do you want to make a show with me ??

  9. #9
    soforene's Avatar
    soforene is offline The Troll formerly known as Herbert Von Poople-Futtocks
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    Don't forget that Disney can spend hundreds of thousands of spondoolicks in getting the best designers and equipment for their shows.

    But we should al aspire ........

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Charlotte, NC


    Adam... for shame.... intros are where its at, regardless of country. I happen to be a big fan of intros and progression. Anyhow I cant find the audio on the sensation website but if you point me to how to get to it I will find the full mp3 for you

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