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Thread: Anarchy Editor Software

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    SoCal / San Salvador / NY

    Lightbulb Anarchy Editor Software

    Hey Cats -

    I know many 'vets' here already know this, but since it just happened to come up in a recent post (and I've seen many people asking about Anarchy in other posts (where can ya get it, etc), thought I'd toss this out, for what it's worth:

    If any of you don't know its' majik and WHY its' so cool...invest a little time to download the demo and once you fall in love with it, BUY IT - worth the few bux... they also have some free frames and if you hunt around carefully, some full shows for Pango as well...

    (and though it may take him several days, yes, Dmitri WILL get back to you...
    correct email to use (as of 6/07 is: info AT laseraction DOT ru) -

    - j
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  2. #2
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    Default RE: Demo limitations...

    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post
    What are the limitations of the demo version of Anarchy?
    Hey Max -

    Well, as I remember, the only thing you CAN'T do is SAVE - you can open, re-color, draw, cut-paste, play, rewind - practically build a whole new show - but then NOT save or export to ILDA (or others) - logical, right?

    Very full featured little editor, and the fastest way I've found to look at 3D models/files (that it CAN import - (which includes DXF!!) obviously not LDS, etc... and preview 3D files & shows (LDB, not LDS...)... anyhoo, just a very good tool to have in any laserists 'toolbox'... (certainly those that do a lot of shows)...

    Remember, be patient with Dmitri - he can take a few days to get back to you sometimes... - ciao...

    - j

    (PS - still waiting for your phone call - if you want PM-me yer number and we can catch up on your Variance ??s this weekend...
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  3. #3
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    If they would change that god awful sliding menu on the left to a standard drop down from the top menu I might actually use it.

  4. #4
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    Carmangary, you hit it on the head...

    I own Anarchy, and while it really is a great program, that damn sliding menu on the left drives me up the wall. It would have been so much nicer if they'd just stuck with the standard windows convention of having a menu bar across the top with drop-downs.

    Sigh... It's still great software though.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmangary View Post
    If they would change that god awful sliding menu on the left to a standard drop down from the top menu I might actually use it.
    Here here. That menu is pants.

    as for the demo I think it allows you to save one frame from whatever you have created and it will be in a single colour of white.This is still useful if you wanna make a 3d frame - if your software will allow you to recolour in the scene editor as Mamba does.

    Its not expensive though and absolutely superb brilliant value for money & pretty easy to use...just that f**king menu!!!

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  6. #6
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    I'm used to the menu. Actually what I want is more short cuts. Alt-O for Circle
    Alt-K for square Alt-P for point Alt-L for line and etc. And more undos. Like 4-5.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Laser View Post
    I'm used to the menu. Actually what I want is more short cuts....And more undos. Like 4-5.
    Second that... Though, wonder what version you have... I don't have it in front of me, so I don't remember what the most current rev.
    is to tell you, but I am sure you could email Dmi, there, and he'd hook you up with the most current version (as long as you're a registered owner, etc...) - I seem to remember several (more than 4-5) undos in the version we've got (got it earlier this year...) but, could be mis-remembering - ya know, the mind is the first thing to.... how does that go again??

    As to the menu, at LEAST they could have put a big, clickable, 'jump-to' DOWN arrow, or something at that 'half-way' point - so you quickly KNOW that there's something even down there.... but like Rob said
    Quote Originally Posted by stanwax View Post
    Its not expensive though and absolutely superb brilliant value for money & pretty easy to use...
    ...that's about the long and short if it... I mean it's not supposed to change your life or anything... just a cool tool...

    Maybe we can pool a list of 'suggestions' and email them to Dimitri...
    of course, we won't get an answer till 2009 (kidding...)

    - j
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=dsli_jon;37719]Second that... Though, wonder what version you have... I don't have it in front of me, so I don't remember what the most

    I'll go for more undos, and the ability to type a value for each of the planes in by hand, ie I want to draw a circle size X at z depth -10,000

    I'd also like it to load a text file of points, so I could mathematically create a object.


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsli_jon View Post
    Second that... Though, wonder what version you have... I don't have it in front of me, so I don't remember what the most

    I'll go for more undos, and the ability to type a value for each of the planes in by hand, ie I want to draw a circle size X at z depth -10,000

    I'd also like it to load a text file of points, so I could mathematically create a object.

    I can smell ACAD user here.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Laser View Post
    I can smell ACAD user here.
    Haha, no kidding. But it would be nice. I've never used Anarchy before, but I have used a lot of CAD programs, and I must say WYSIWYG (the actual program not the style of design is the one I prefer. I guess because I am familiar with that syntax, the move to it was that much easier for me.

    Almost photoshop syntax... IMO... very natural layout.

    my two cents ... for what its worth

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