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Thread: CNI Engineers Start New Company??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default CNI Engineers Start New Company??

    First...I would like to say that I am recently here from LPF.
    Hemlock Mike told me about this site....and I'm still lurking....

    Now...I've read here, and also heard through the grapevine that some Engineers left CNI to start a new company.

    Does anyone have info on this company???



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    if i'm not mistaken

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    North Iowa


    Larry --

    Welcome to PL -- Here is where we learn !!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Thanks Mike....

    So far..I like what I see (read)......


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    Haha, sorry, right... where are my manners! Welcome to Photon Lexicon! I'm Max. Wecome to the club!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Hello LarryQ! Welcome to PhotonLexicon.

    As for your question, I think you are correct. Laser-Wave is supposedly based on CNI technology, and as I understand it, a bunch of engineers left CNI to found the new company. The heads look similar to CNI's. (Not exactly the same, but close.)

    One of their employees (Bridge) is a member here on PhotonLexicon. So far he's organized a group buy for some custom Polarizing Beam-splitting cubes, and helped a couple members find other interesting optical dodads that they've been looking for. We've also had a few folks purchase lasers from him, and thus far all the reviews seem to be very good.

    I know that Dave and Aijii at just started stocking some of their lasers, and the prices are very competitive when compared to CNI lasers.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo View Post
    I know that Dave and Aijii at just started stocking some of their lasers, and the prices are very competitive when compared to CNI lasers.
    Prices are the same, yes. But I must pointly say: I have one 300mW+ LaserWave here , compare with CNIs, and I must say:
    The LaserWave greeny is better! Why? The beam is much BETTER than other version (yes, big output beam, but really nice divergence), the Modulation is more linear and faster than CNIs.The head is only a little bit bigger, look the big CNIs (>150mW blue, >500mW green).
    Next I will test who live longer: CNI 400mW or Laserwave 400mW...
    But I think who will be the winner

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Thanks Max
    Yes, our web is, but these days we are renew the webwite, the new edition will soon ok, the old edition still work, if you want to know us more, please go there:
    sorry for give all of you some trouble, soon the new edition will be ok, I am sure we will all of you surprised.
    Best regards!
    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post

    if i'm not mistaken

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    Quote Originally Posted by bridge View Post
    Thanks Max
    Yes, our web is, but these days we are renew the webwite, the new edition will soon ok, the old edition still work, if you want to know us more, please go there:
    sorry for give all of you some trouble, soon the new edition will be ok, I am sure we will all of you surprised.
    Best regards!
    Ahhh thank you Bridge, I visited the original English version and it wasn't currently available.

    So yeah follow Bridge's link rather than mine

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Thanks for all of you interesting our company and our products,including Bridge,.
    yes, be honest, I must intriduce myself and our company to all of you.
    yes, 2005, I got my master degree from CIOMP(Changchun insititute of Optics mechine and physics), who is one institute of Chinese academy of sciences.yes, CNI is the company of CIOMP, and my teacher is Professor Qian, who is also the general manager of CNI, thanks my teacher very much, so I had the chance to do some research in CNI when I was a students, yes, at there, I know what is laser, how to design laser etc, yes, for our students, the working is R&D the lasers, as you know, they don't want us to know more about the products program. so all of you will know later, our products design is completely different of CNI inside, yes,I must agree the appearence look similar of CNI, this is convenience all of you use, yes, I know many of you used CNI's laser before.but still thanks CNI, who give the chance to begin my colorful lasers work, yes, I must say, I love lasers.thanks again very much, thanks my teacher profession Qian, thanks CNI, thanks CIOMP.
    ok, after graduation from CIOMP, from 2006,we begin prepare our company, after a years harder work, solve many design and manufacture problems, we had our own products, yes, a few monthes ago, we join the international light and audio expo held in Shanghai, and the ILOPE expo held in Beijing, from now, many people know us, yes, through forums, many guys test our products, also including dave and lasershowparts, they know our products quality clearly, yes, now, lasershowparts is our agent in Australia and other places, thanks for dave and his colleague in Shanghai, we did very well cooperation, their professional give me profound express. thanks Cruch, who is the first man to test our products(300mW green , 100mW blue,) , thanks Deadal in LPF, who also test our products(300mW green, 100mW blue), thanks Timelord in LPF, who test our 200mW blue lasers,
    also thanks Phritzler, who promise to compare our lasers with CNI, he told me he will burn in all days and nights till to die compare with CNI’s the same power lasers, yes, I ‘d like to do that, this is the simple and most effect way to know which products is better, and we want to know where we can still improve our products later. yes, any other company test and used our 500mW green(500mW green and 100mW blue, which is our main products). thanks Max, wish he will soon received his 800mW green lasers,still a few orders of 1000mW green in our hand.till now, all of them give us very positive review, which encourage us do better and better. Oh,forgot Mr_coffee, who come to Beijing this month and we spend a very nice afternoon.. many people want to thanks, sorry for I can’t thanks all of you one by one.
    Also thanks all of you interesting our PBS cubes,
    thanks Agreebee, who launch the group buy ,thanks VaThInk, who is the first man to test our PBS, and let all of us know, thanks p1t8ull, Mechngs, uncleworm, their help let the group buy got well result.from this things, I know the united power of all of you, I love there, I love all of you. I love PL, thanks Spec to give us such a plat to cominucation so freely, (before I was a member of LC, but I was kicked out because I put a few pictures of our products on it, later I know, this forums is the offical forums of some company, sorry for offend them) wish this group buy can give all of you higher power lasers,. yes, powermeter, dichroic(the quality will surprised you, at this time we still not AR coating, someone tell me the same of Germany units, we had do much pcs this time and with AR coating, this will be better ), grating products. For these little optics unit, we just want to help all of you convenience find what you want, we also can do mirror mount for all of you ,as you know, made in China is cheaper, yes, the mirror mount is some expensive in Europe and America, we ‘d like between us not only business, but also friends, It is our pleasure that can do something for you , eapecially can help you.
    In all laser-wave man’s heart, they know there is no perfect products, there is become better and better products, to product customer satisfy products always in our heart, which let us go on and on., do better and better.
    Thanks for all of you time, and wish be friends to all of you.
    Best regards!

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