No you are right about 555nm. It's a peak. Then everything goes down the hill. Farther you go from the center more power you need to keep it a same intensity as 555. We don't have 555nm so 532nm is used as a base. To get 473nm blue as bright as 532nm you need a 1.5 times the power of 532nm. Farther you go down the spectrum more power is needed. 447nm needs 3-4 times the power of 532. 407nm.....I say 10-12 times. Same story for the red. 635 needs only 2 times the power of 532 but 650 needs 4 and 671 needs 8 times the power. Most people cheat on blue a bit. And it's fine. But I would not recommend to cheat on red. Get as much blue as you can afford then get as much red you can afford and then balance it with a green. Can't guaranteed 100% white but will be close enough.
I hired an Italian guy to do my wires. Now they look like spaghetti!