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Thread: Hungary, D.P.S.S. Group, RGB International

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Hungary, D.P.S.S. Group, RGB International


    Does anyone know a little information on this laser company and their business honesty?

    2nd Question, shipping laser back for repair, if the company does not have any paper work for their customs to show they shipped and sold the laser international, then when it's returned for Diode and module repair and customs charges them the tax on the insured laser repair package. I'm just wondering how this exactly works? I understand that the insurance on a shipping package for a laser, places a value for customs but the company that built the laser should have a way to prove it to thier own customs no? Is this what I'm understanding is correct?

    If you ship a laser with no insurance then is it's dammaged or lost then what? so we insure our lasers or anything thats going back to the designer of the product.

    not sure if I explained this clear but anyone have any thoughts on this, as I do know that some companies in china and the U.K., ship their lasers as spare parts to avoid tax. I think this is whats happening??

    Any clues??

    Thanks so very much,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Tribal Existance Prod. View Post
    Hello, Does anyone know a little information on this laser company and their business honesty?
    Hey Marcus -

    OK, well, to be sure we are 'on the same channel', here, you mean THESE guys?

    IF so, well 2 things - I could tell you the experience we had in ~04. with one of the 1st-Gen 2W units... summary: awful. More detail is really irrelivant, (unless you are just interested in hearing the details of why it was awful, for 'chit-chats'-sake) but for a CURRENT-purchase consideration, it does not matter, since they are now into 2nd, and erd-Gen designs - much better. (but still no match for a good Ion WL!!)

    Sadly, I could not be there for LDI in Orlando this year - as I understand it, LSDI ( were demoing the newest-Gen RGB 4W-sys - perhaps someone who was there could give testimony / pix?? Plese?

    And that is point #2 - as I understand it, they are the exclusive US-distributor now, so you'd have to go thru them for a purchase / service, which is a good thing, cause I believe they are/will be set up to provide up to a certain level of State-side service, making all that x-Atlantic/customs' PITA stuff much less of a PITA! And that would be a good thing.

    Now, since *we* have an office in San Salvador, which is CENTRAL America, I can buy direct, but then I have to bring it back/ship, and then I am on my own as far as RTB service/customs, etc... So, sometimes having a very experienced/responsable 'value-added' dealer, like LSDI, in your corner is WORTH what little mark-up they make... they are a very experienced Sho Co. and I submit you'd do better working thru them, than any sort of work-around direct.

    Solo mis dos centavos... peace..

    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default mmmm

    Thanks my friend for the information, yes that is the company.

    I had a few year old model 532nm that was part of an R.G.Y. system, the diode was dropping it's power after piles of bookings it has seen so I thought ok replace it for a new one or repair the module inside the old one. I now as you can see went with the repair, ok great so they said around 1,100 Euro plus shipping. I agreed..."bad move" but I shipped it to them, it was held up in customs for 1 month. I then called direct to the company they did'nt know what happend to it, I waited till the end of time then I started to push them to find it. They located the package at their customs pending that RGB LASER SYSTEMS company provided the proper paper work. I did hear back from them for 2 week, then they sent me a bill for 2,100 Euro. I exploded on them for why did the price go up so much they said they paid tax 900Euro or so.

    This is why I'm asking, they did'nt ask me before hand they just paid it and then tried to charge me almost double. I have'nt talked to them in 4 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    900 euro for custom???Oh,that's really a high value.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default anyways

    I did already order a new laser 532nm for my R.G.Y. system but now I've got the old laser still in Hungary. The Hungarian Laser company did try to make me an offer because I told them to keep it because the 2,100 Euro Price is way to high for just a module repair, they said ok this is what we can do for you," We will repair your laser for 900 Euro plus shipping out the door. I did'nt trust that ammount because the first repair quote was 1,200 or 1,100 Euro now it's 900 Euro??? I told them that they seem to be just tring to collect the tax and send me back the laser not repaired at all for that ammount?? What do you guys think??


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Tribal Existance Prod. View Post
    I told them that they seem to be just tring to collect the tax and send me back the laser not repaired at all for that ammount?? What do you guys think??
    Hey Marcus...

    Ask them if they'll 'take a check'???

    Seriously, I know this is a catch-22 PITA, we've been thru before - if you PUT the insurance value ON the waybill, then customs will usually ream you a new one, for ~1-3% of that stated-value (@#$%&*!) BUT, if you DON'T put it on there, (and something happens, like, you ship it with 'United Package Smashers' - and the one time you DON'T get insurance on it, IS when they will 'field-goal-it' off the truck, guaranteed - (@#$%&*!)

    Couple things you can do (for future) - When sending your shipment TO the Co. make sure to put a COMMERCIAL INVOICE (even though you are not actually 'billing them' for anything), and put in big, clear letters "GOODS RETURNING TO MANUFACTURER FOR FREE-OF-CHARGE WARRANTY REPAIR SERVICE" (which technically isn't true in this case, but it is also BS for you OR them to pay duty TWICE or 3x on a unit)...

    #2, if you CALL your Pick Up/Shipment IN, (rather than just making out an AWB and dropping it off) on the PHONE, you can request coverage (insurance) to-value, but leave that BLANK on the AWB - then declare 'Value for Customs" like $60. or something low / exempt - the LOGGED shipping-request call-in SHOULD supercede the AWB, so in the event of a loss, it will be a matter-of-record that you DID ask for $XX. of Insurance, but it's a PITA either way...

    While the 'ethicalness' of what I typed above is certainly open to interpretation, it is what other highly-respected Euro-laser Co's have instructed US to do for RTB-repairs (even when out-of-warranty, as long as the duty WAS paid ONCE), and it has always worked for us...

    As to this CURRENT situation with RGB, well, I certainly can't call-it FOR you, but I'd say, based on experience, they are trying to 'make amends', not screw you over...

    Suggestion - call LSDI up, explain everything, and acknowledge that you KNOW it is NOT their responsability, etc, BUT since they ARE the US dealers, they SHOULD be willing to offer SOME help - a well-placed phone call or email to the right person can work miracles, sometimes! ie - Check out this happy ending - I think Karl Dawson (Banthai) deserves a 'PL RockStar Award' for that!!


    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default once again Jon, I think your right

    Yes, thats what I thought about doing as well, I just was'nt sure of the Companies Name in the United States that is now the R.G.B. Lasersystems Distro-company. You have already given me a link that I checked and is the right company on both sides. I will call them tomarrow, thanks to you Jon for that link once again. I did'nt want to to choose for me though but I did want the exact reply that you sent because it was along the same lines that I was thinking. I just wanted a good solid second upion and your it. "TAG" "DING DING" "JACKPOT" Thank you so very much.

    Now I'll just have another extra new 532nm so I'll need no more reasons not to build the extra laser into an R.G.B. Projector.
    so I'll be looking for another 635nm and another 473nm I see....well next year to many projects at once.

    blah blah, I'm ramblin on again,
    Take care


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    SoCal / San Salvador / NY


    Quote Originally Posted by Tribal Existance Prod. View Post
    I will call them tomarrow,
    Hey Marcus -

    Yeah, and I would tell them they need to check their 'calculators' - 'Frank', there is right - I wasn't really focusing on the numbers till just now, but that's like WAY out of line for ANY customs duties - usually (in my experience) they are anywhere from ~3-5% of Invoice/Insured value - if this was true in this case, (3%) 900 E is like $1300. USD, so either you paid ~$43,000.00 for that laser originally OR they are wacking you some insanely-high % for duty???!!! Either way, it does not add up, so, yeah, somethings' fishy, there... I'd call in some 'pro' help..

    LSDI SHOULD be willing (though not OBLIGATED) to help... ANY unhappy customer is NOT a good thing to have, whether you ARE their direct-customer NOW or NOT - you MIGHT be (or might NOT be, based on what they are willing to do/not do) in the future, and a phone-call to the 'mothership' should not be too brutal for them..

    Keep me posted... peace..

    - J
    ....and armed only with his trusty 21 Zorgawatt KTiOPO4...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    we got hit with an 800 euro customs bill sending our arctos red back for repair last year.

    it was more a fine than a bill because arctos brought the laser over for us in their luggage when they were here for a holiday some time ago...
    Now proudly stocking and offering the best deals on laser-wave

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007


    for just a head repaair, a flight and a few days hotel sounds cheaper, of course if the repair is done in a few days of course.

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