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Thread: TeraScan problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default TeraScan problem

    Hi everybody, i have a problem with my TeraScan scanners from Medialas, i can't adjust it. I try to run it with ILDA Test pattern but scanners drawing some lines, that you can see it on the photos. Does anybody knows what is wrong with the system and how to tune it?

    Thanks beforehand!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_2203.jpg  


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    what do they output with no signal to the scanners - are they correctly centred and still?
    The output bears no resemblance to the ilda tp so its not just a prob with one scanner and for both to fail together seems unlikely. Does terrascan have one driver board for the 2 scanners of 2 separate ones. What are you using to output the signal to the scanners - ie what software/hardware combination do you have.
    Do you have or know anyone with an oscilloscope to see if the hardware is outputting the correct signal. Is the power supply for the driver cards working Ok? There are many things to test before you try to tune the scanners especially as this does not look like a simple tuning issue.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    Quote Originally Posted by stanwax View Post
    this does not look like a simple tuning issue.
    And if it is *just* a tuning issue, then your galvos at this stage would probably start smoking

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    The terrascan have two drivers, for each scanner individually. I have a Mamba black with Medialas DAC, i don't have an oscilloscope and i'm sure that the DAC is working properly (i check it on other laser system). Power supply is working properly.

    the system have a five adjustments pots: OFFSET, HF-Damping, LF-Damping, Servo Gain, Size

    Offset: Electrical offset of the driver, not the galvo! Is adjusted in factory (but it was deadjusted)

    HFD: HighFrequency Damping. Corrects undershots.
    LFD: LowFrequency Damping. Corrects overshots
    Servo: Servo-Gain. Power of the feedback signal for the internal PID controller

    Size: Increases or decreases input sensitivity of the complete driver. Does not change driver settings.

    if i power up scanner firstly and then push start in Mamba the scanners does not working.
    if i push start and then power up my scanners they are start working

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