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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Hello

    Hi everyone!
    I'm new to this forum and this is a short introduction of what I've been doing so far.
    Quickly becoming addicted to coherent light, I started with this hobby on the german
    some years ago. I took my first steps with MOT1 & LPT-DAC , followed by K12n later on
    (now on the Sat-Projector) and finally the Raytrack 35+ for my main projector, which is almost done.
    Just some case-parts missing and fine-tuning to be done.

    Specs are:
    Green: 150mW DPSS (Lasever)
    Blue: 100mW DPSS (CNI)
    Red: 200mW Diode (I am currently working on 2x150mW red, so this laser will be exchanged later on)
    Software: LaserDesignStudio 2008 Pro
    DAC: EasyLase USB.

    You are invited to have a look at my Websites.
    Pictures: (some older stuff)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    Quote Originally Posted by decix View Post
    Hi everyone!
    I'm new to this forum and this is a short introduction of what I've been doing so far.
    Quickly becoming addicted to coherent light, I started with this hobby on the german
    some years ago. I took my first steps with MOT1 & LPT-DAC , followed by K12n later on
    (now on the Sat-Projector) and finally the Raytrack 35+ for my main projector, which is almost done.
    Just some case-parts missing and fine-tuning to be done.

    Specs are:
    Green: 150mW DPSS (Lasever)
    Blue: 100mW DPSS (CNI)
    Red: 200mW Diode (I am currently working on 2x150mW red, so this laser will be exchanged later on)
    Software: LaserDesignStudio 2008 Pro
    DAC: EasyLase USB.

    You are invited to have a look at my Websites.
    Pictures: (some older stuff)
    Welcome to the forums! I originally welcomed you in the Skull thread, but I'm glad you introduced yourself, now we're not hijacking that thread.

    You have a very nice and clean looking projector with plenty of room for upgrades! Do you have any more pictures?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Welcome to PhotonLexicon, Decix! Glad to have you here. You've got some very nice pics on your website; good job!

    Have you had any problems with your Lasever green laser? And how would you say it compares to your CNI blue?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    The Lasever is going to be replaced in the near future. It has massive issues under modulation (changing TEM-Modes).
    Look at the green beams on this pic. Not nice... some dark areas within, moving around all the time.
    The blue CNI has the common DPSS-issues as mentioned here, but not nearly as much as shown
    so I can live with that. Blue beams are looking quite good.
    Last edited by decix; 01-03-2008 at 07:28.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Wow... Mode-hopping under modulation? Don't know that we've had anyone experience that problem yet here. But I understand why you're planning to replace it. (You know, Lasever may be willing to replace it under warranty if it's been less than a year; they've finally accepted the fact that they sold a lot of lasers last year that had some serious defects, and they're trying to make good on those...)

    Re: the noise on the blue - yep... That's all too common. (sigh) But like you said, it's something most people can live with.


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