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Thread: Mamba bugs/errors: post here !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands

    Arrow Mamba bugs/errors: post here !

    First of all, I want to say that the latest version of Mamba Black (1.90) is very very stable! I played around for 6 hours with it last weekend and it crashed only two times. Compared to Version 1.62: it crashed 6 times every hour. Keep up the good work André!

    But there is no thread on this forum that contain/collects the bugs and error messages in Mamba Black. Post them here for Old Grumpy.

    To start with:

    Play a show with music. Go to File > New Show. (during playing)
    Mamba is than deleting the loaded frames, detete the music file, but the music keeps playing. This is not right.

    Another bug:
    Make a show and save it with the function 'Create releaseable show'.
    The show will be saved in the folder 'Release'.
    Save the same show (or another one) with this 'Create rel....' function again.Use the same name for the show.
    Mamba will come up with a error message and closes the application.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    I have nothing bad to report at this time

    But when I`m finnish re-building both my lasers.
    Mamba Black will be running a hard Dual laser test while I try to make some new shows

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Thumbs down

    Here is my bug repport #1

    I was working on a new show.
    Have made 30second progress in the show!

    I have maked a new framelist that have 15 frames!
    Morphing frames and effects with no problem so far..
    Inputting new frames and PLAY show, still no problem..

    But then I make "new frame" and I hit the "Play frame edit drawbox only" (where you make frames) !

    So now is mamba supposed to play only the 1 frame I`m making in the window..
    The first time it did go fine.. but this time mamba shut down when I hit the PLAY button
    And the same bug repeat everythime I do the same thing !!

    THIS IS A BUG !!!

    (btw: show soon done, and then I share it)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands


    Small bug:

    In the play area you have 4 Sourse buttons under the Preview screen.
    The second one on top is Display Current Scene, but this is not quite true. If you have more than one track on the timeline, these other scenes are also displayed during playback. The button text must have Display Time Scenes, or something...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    I think the problem is that it displays the output on all tracks while playing only between the start and end of the selected scene. It would be good to have a check box to say play all tracks or play selected track only when this button is selected.

    Has anyone noticed that if you select play between markers and then paste a scene even though the play between markers button remains depressed it changes to play entire show. This is a PIA.

    And another little bug is if you add 2 scenes of default length (1 second) and play them, then make them shorter to say half a second each when you play it still plays for 2 seconds even though the scenes end after 1 second.

    If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
    Laserists do it by the nanometre.

    Stanwax Laser is a Corporate Member of Ilda

    Stanwax Laser main distributor of First Contact in UK - like us on Facebook

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands

    Default Software crash at saving show

    A nasty error during saving a releaseable show:

    -Create a frame and drag it to the timeline.
    -Save this frame into the folder Mamba\frames with the name Testframe.
    -Goto File>Create Releaseable Show.
    -Give show a name, check the box and fill in a serial number, like 1234.
    -Check the checkbox for the frame Testframe and click Save.

    -Go again to File>Create Releaseable Show.
    -Give show another name.
    -The check box is still checked and the s/n 1234 is still there.
    -Click Save.

    Now Mamba will crash and is closing the application.
    I tried this on 3 different computers and crashed 3 times...

    Am I the only one?

    X Audrey

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheepsville, Wales, UK


    No Audrey you are not the only one. This happens the same for me too - but I have a question for you. Does create releasable show work for you? For me I get lots of scenes in the right places but no frames. I suspect this happens for the same reason that 'save output to file' and 'use in liveplayer' do not work - they all just create a load of empty frames.

    If you need to ask the question 'whats so good about a laser' - you won't understand the answer.
    Laserists do it by the nanometre.

    Stanwax Laser is a Corporate Member of Ilda

    Stanwax Laser main distributor of First Contact in UK - like us on Facebook

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The Netherlands


    Mmmzz, yes you're right! It's not working with v1.90 at all
    But try version 1.61. It's Ok there (Peter Mayer must behind all this)

    That's funny because if you order a Mamba Black lasershow at you have to tell them your dongle number to get the right releaseable show.
    So, they must have a working version of Mamba


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    mambaFreak , have any show to trade ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I try creating frames in editor of Mamba v1.9.0.3918, that's all right.
    I can save it as framelist. Everything OK. Then I load it to change one frame or add a new frame to the list and I save it. After that the Mamba is crash, if I do anything.
    Ok, I restart the software and I load the framelist again, and I realize that most of colors are changed in frames. ( It recolor same frames automatically.)

    I already sent bugreports, and I look to a patch for it.


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