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Thread: FLEM !!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Flying over a town near you

    Cool FLEM !!!!

    Live from Florida.....if you have not logged on to see it....well you are just missing out. At least support all the guys who moved all their stuff for this by checking it out and letting everyone know it is a great time......even if you can't be there.
    You are the only one that can make your dreams come true....and the only one that can stop them...A.M. Dietrich

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Central Florida


    Since mine was the only projector not running due to a scanner issue, I am running a few beam show on the event page to test my new hybrid set of scanners... 1 dt40 (Y) and a scan pro30 (X). It has never looked better...

    Not too many shows, the boss'll take the lasagna away.
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK


    Just to say guys...

    Thanks for spending the time setting up the uStream video link. I thoroughly enjoyed being with you all (in a virtual sense) for the four hours or so I was logged in. It looks as though you all had a great event, I only wish I could have been there in person

    Bill's 'fast' tuning of those scanners was amazing, and some of those shows that I haven't seen before were simply stunning. Thanks for the effort folks. All we need now is to pursuade Bill to come over to the UK for a Pangolin users meet


    Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Milwaukee WI


    OH SHOOT!!! Are you guys going again tomorrow by any chance ??? I assume no.

    I had to work

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    what a pity, I don't know why I can't see the video online.
    any pictures about the FLEM?thanks.
    Best regards!
    Laser-wave can supply:
    Green 532nm, 4W, 10W, 15W
    blue 445nm, 2W, 3.5W, 6W, 10W
    blue 462nm, 2W
    Red 638nm, 500mW, 1W,2W, 4W, 5W, 6W, 8W, 10W
    All diodes, All optics, All mount, All laser base and housing for yourselves building lasers.
    Speical products, 532nm, OEM-V-SS, 4W, 98mm*46mm*48mm; OEM-H, 10W, 250mm*88mm*70mm or or
    We Chat: 463366312, Laserwave-Bridge

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Miami, FL


    yep theres lots of pictures! i will upload them monday...

    made it back alive, got home at 4am

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S.E. Florida


    Dee and I made it back home today at noon. We had a great time. When we had 3 rgb units running together was stunning!!
    Bill I can`t thank you enough for spending your time with us and also for making such a killer product. I think everyone with a laser scanner should have Pangolin. To everyone else who attended it was nice meeting you all and geeking out. . Adam the beer was great and Aron the lasagna out of this world. I wish we could do this every weekend. Maybe we should open a laser theme park?
    Last edited by Astroguy; 03-02-2008 at 16:32.
    "Gravity its not just a good idea its the law"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Smile FLEM Mark II was awesome!

    A laser theme park... Now there's an idea!

    I made it back to Tavares around 2:30 AM Sunday morning. Drove back to Charleston later that afternoon and just crashed. Feeling better now though. (Lots of driving) At least the Jeep didn't give me any more trouble!

    Great event guys. Thanks to everyone who participated. We had quite a few no-shows this time, but we also had some unexpected guests, including Patrick Murphy (the other founding member of Pangolin, now the Executive Director of ILDA), Aron Bacs (formerly an engineer and research director at AVI, now president of Bacs Design Incorporated), and one of our new members here, Robert Teorey of LaserTainment (sorry, can't remember the names of the crew members you brought with you). It sure was great to meet you all.

    And yeah, the 3 RGB rigs running in sync really looked great - especially with the scrim in front. Clandestiny's pair of Lexel 85 argons were great to watch too. (Love those old-school beam tables!) And it looks like Allthat's RGB projector is finally working like it should. (Sweet!)

    For those of you that tuned in to the PhotonLexicon Event page to watch, I hope you had fun. I apologize for all the problems with the choppy video in the beginning. We were running off a cellular air card for the first 6 hours or so, and that really hurt us. (Not enough bandwidth) Once we got the DSL link working it was better. Then too, we had lots of problems with the broadcast software crashing, especially when running on the air card. (Turns out that it doesn't play well with other software packages. It's fine if you run it by itself, but it doesn't like to share resources.)

    Also, the sound was lousy. That's my fault. I had intended to pick up a decent sound mixer prior to the event, but I ran out of time so we used the microphone on the camera itself. (yuck) A mixing board would have made it so much better. Next time we'll have better sound.

    If you missed the live webcam, I have some recorded clips here on my show page from FLEM Mark II. I didn't get as many as I wanted, because the damn broadcast widget kept crashing. (Each time it crashed, I lost whatever I was recording.) There may be a maximum length per clip as well, since it seemed to lock up after I had been recording for a while (longer than an hour). But who knows... Like I said above, the sound is pretty bad, but the video makes up for it. The clips that have a star on them are ones I've recorded in my home. The rest are clips from FLEM Mark II.

    Once again, thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. I had a blast, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. (Even with all the problems I had with the Jeep!) It was a great time.

    Now I have to go unload the Jeep. Ugh - where am I going to put all this stuff?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    North West England


    I managed to log on a few times during the day and it looked like you were all having a ball.
    Well done all those that attended and those that put it together.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Essex, UK


    will there be a dvd like the UK one???
    Eat Sleep Lase Repeat

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