Pre-built units are now available. PM me for details
Hello, announcing availablility of a new DIY laser driver: the FlexMod1. This driver was designed to fill in the voids that other drivers have created. It has a few options not available elsewhere:
0-bias point setting: You can set a DC current level that is just below lasing threshold, this driver will use that as the 0 modulation level, giving a linear output brightness response range from 0-5V input.
Response speed setting: This driver was designed with speed and versatility in mind. It has a top end modulation capability in the MHz, but the response speed can be slowed down to as low as 20kHz to match the other lasers in your system.
High current drive capability: The driver can modulate diodes up to 5A when a good heatsink is attached.
Here are the specs:
Power input: 5-12VDC
Analog Input: 0-12V max, usually you set to 5V full range
TTL input: 0-5V Off-On
Gain setting: 11 turn pot with 2 ranges 0-500mA, 0-5A output.
Bias setting: 11 turn pot range 0-1A output
Dimensions: 31x21.5mm
It is currently available in kit form, you need a fine tipped soldering iron. $20 kit (unassembled) + $2 shipping to the USA.
Here is a photo of an assembled unit:
2 demontrative scope traces (the bottom trace is the important reading.. current.)
200kHz, 500mA:
200kHz, 1A: