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Thread: Hello Laserists!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Anaheim CA

    Default Hello Laserists!

    I just stumbled upon this site and I am glad I did. I can see this board is full of laser experts and helpfull info. I guess I am a little disapointed as I didn't think this hobby was going to cost me a couple mortgage payments to get into. Man this equipment is expensive! But hopefully I will have enough money soon to get my first 1W green laser projector.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Eugene Oregon


    welcome! i have been pondering between and 500mw and 1 watt laser and going with some good quality products i have found i will be able to complete the build for about 2200 if i go with a 500mw and then for a 1 watt for about 2900-3200

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Akron, Ohio USA


    There are those of us who are trying to reduce the barrier-of-entry costs!

    There are some nice, inexpensive diode drivers and some free software projects to be found here.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentbob97 View Post
    But hopefully I will have enough money soon to get my first 1W green laser projector.
    Hi Silent Bob! (Hmmm... Kevin Smith fan, maybe?)

    Welcome to PhotonLexicon. Hope you like it here. Yeah, there's plenty of information available if you're ready to take the plunge and build your own projector. If you've got questions, just fire away.

    One thing I would caution you on, however. A 1 watt laser is a pretty powerful unit for your first projector. 1 watt is no-shit dangerous, as in the "damage-your-retina-before-you-can-blink" kind of dangerous.

    Most people start out with something a lot less powerful, simply because it's better to make your early mistakes with a 50 mw or 100 mw laser than with a 1 watt laser.

    If you want to go big right out of the gate, you'll probably want to read up on some of the laser safety threads here on PL first. Ask lots of questions, too. Be sure you know exactly what you're getting yourself into before you buy that laser.

    Also, please make sure you get yourself a good pair of laser safety goggles to go with that laser - and wear them *religiously* when you're working on it. Your eyesight will thank you!

    And again, welcome to the group. There are lots of helpful people here, so don't be shy about asking questions!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Anaheim CA


    Hey thanks for the welcome everybody. I know that a laser safety isn't anything to take lightly. Get it? Light-ly. But I know the dangers and will be sure to follow all safety procedures. I am not sure if I will be building the projector myself or not. I still have a lot of research to do. Well look forward to chatting on the boards and benefiting from all your expertise.

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