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Thread: SELEM Highlights

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Smile SELEM Highlights

    Hey folks!

    Well, SELEM is winding down, and I just wanted to pop in here to say thanks to everyone that helped to make this event a tremendous success. We had nearly twice the number of RGB projectors on stage this time, and we also had a much better sound system. (The venue upgraded their system plus we had DZ's system *and* Stuka's system on stage!)

    Thanks need to go out to for the scanners that were given away as door prizes. Thanks also to Bridge at LaserWave for the dichros and pointers that were given away. Several members are leaving with smiles on their faces thanks to your support!

    A *BIG* thanks to Bill Benner of Pangolin for donating his time to put on several presentations, and also to Francesco (spelling?) for his awesome LivePro! demonstration. Bill also had shirts and mouse pads to give out, and they were greatly appreciated.

    Also, I need to thank Patrick Murphy (ILDA President) for coming on Saturday to talk about ILDA and how they are working to protect and improve the laser show industry. And the green star-field projector he brought was absolutely incredible!

    And of course, the *most* thanks need to go to the PL members that schlepped their equipment to the venue. This event would be *nothing* without the participation of all the members. And what an event it was! There will be plenty of video (and pictures) to be uploaded in the next few days, and there may be a DVD in the works as well. My hat is off to all you guys (including the one's that joined us on the Internet!) for helping to make this one of the best weekends of my life!

    So - anyone want to do it again next weekend?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Eugene Oregon


    sweet really really wish i could have made it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sao Paulo - Brazil


    Congratulations Adam for you and everybody that organized and it participated of SELEM.
    Last edited by Lasershow; 08-18-2008 at 07:35.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Preston, Lancashire UK


    Some of the shows I got to see on the live stream looked amazing. Just a shame the link was a bit dodgy.

    One day at the UKLEM went so fast but I bet even two days dos'nt feel long enough. Now everyone on both sides of the pond are now looking forward to the next meets. The next UKLEM is looking like being in Februay. Got a date set for the next SELEM?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pflugerville, TX, USA


    I popped in and out but there was always something good going on. Looked like a well planned event. I was a little bummed out that I couldn't see the presentations very well. I guess that's what I get for not showing up in person. But, maybe if there is another one there will be a way to do something like LiveMeeting or something that allows sharing the desktop of the presenter across the internet. There is plenty of time to research it. Anyway, nice job to all of you involved.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Thumbs up

    That was cool you guys!
    It totaly made my weekend!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Thanks, Adam, thanks for your organize the SELEM, that give us more pleasure, nice weekend in my life also.
    next time? when? hehe, I am expect and can't waiting to see the next meeting, next time, Bridge is also like can do something for SELEM and to make more people happy, we need prepare more useful things for our members.
    Best regards!
    Laser-wave can supply:
    Green 532nm, 4W, 10W, 15W
    blue 445nm, 2W, 3.5W, 6W, 10W
    blue 462nm, 2W
    Red 638nm, 500mW, 1W,2W, 4W, 5W, 6W, 8W, 10W
    All diodes, All optics, All mount, All laser base and housing for yourselves building lasers.
    Speical products, 532nm, OEM-V-SS, 4W, 98mm*46mm*48mm; OEM-H, 10W, 250mm*88mm*70mm or or
    We Chat: 463366312, Laserwave-Bridge

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Smile Selem rocked!

    Thanks for the kind words of support guys! Just got home after a ~4 hour drive, and I'm still wide awake. SELEM was incredible! Awesome, even... The images are still in my head....

    I can't begin to explain what 7 full color RGB projectors look like when they're all running the same show and they're all pointed out into the auditorium. Pitch black room, lots of fog, and *beautiful* beams that you want to reach out and touch. Color blending like you've never seen before in your life... I'm nearly 42 years old, and it was *almost* enough to bring tears to my eyes. Seriously.

    Francesco (AKA "Uncle_Worm" - the young man from the Netherlands who is doing his Internship at Pangolin this summer) gave us a fantastic demo of the Pangolin LivePro! software late in the afternoon on Sunday. He only used three projectors, but the results were unbelievable. I wish we could have streamed it live, but we didn't have an easy way to set it up in the short time we had. But just you wait until you see the video we shot of this demo! (Warning: It will make you want to go out and buy a LivePro! license right away... That software is just plain amazing!)

    As for the rest of the video feed: yes, we had many problems. I'm not exactly sure why the broadcast widget kept crashing. I'll need to do some experiments to figure that one out. Next time I think we'll have a single computer dedicated to video and nothing else. I think we should also use a line-out jack from the mixer for sound. At times people couldn't hear what was going on, and at other times it was too loud and the mic was clipping. We need to work on that... Fortunately we did shoot a lot of video, so once we get it all put together then everyone should be able to see (and hear) what was going on.

    Bridge, I got the chance to learn a little bit more about your lasers at this event. And I am impressed with what I have been told. I understand you have been talking with some very smart engineers () in an effort to improve the quality of your product even more. This is very interesting news... Please keep us all informed of your progress.

    Oh, and the new ScanPro50 scanners from are *totally* cool. I'll be posting a detailed review in a week or two, but to give you a taste of what they can do: Imagine scanning the ILDA test pattern at 30Kpps at 20 degrees optical scan angle. Now imagine running the Pangolin "Gradient-Moby" beam show at nearly 50 degrees optical scan angle... (still scanning at 30Kpps, mind you!) The patterns *FILLED* the auditorium from the middle of the seats on the ground floor to the top seats in the balcony! Very, *very* cool stuff.

    A big thanks to Dave and Aijii for getting an early production set of those new scanners to me in time for SELEM. (Would you believe that they haven't even received a set of the new ScanPro50 scanners for themselves yet?) What can I say? You guys rock!

    I think everyone left the event in a much better mood than they were when they arrived. I know that ImageLight is plenty happy, now that his nearly-new Lexel 95 argon laser is blasting away at 4 watts plus. (Damn, that's a beauty!) Good old Mixed Gas and his Ion Laser Karma... But yeah, even without the lasers it would have been a great social event. Well done people... Well done!

    As for the next SELEM, that will probably be next year in August. However, we are talking about holding a FLEM in Orlando sometime in November... I'll keep you posted as that plan firms up. And of course, if people in other areas want to put something together, there may be more events. All you really need is a venue. Once you get over that hurdle it's fairly easy to do the rest.

    Later guys... I think I'm going to try to go to bed. Wonder if I'll dream about LivePro?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, UK



    It sounds like SELEM was a great success and was enjoyed by everyone who attended (and those who logged in on the Web). Sadly, I only managed to log in for a short while on Sunday evening, but what I saw looked great. Thanks for setting this up for those who couldn't attend, your hard work was appreciated.

    I really wish we could pursuade Bill to pop over to the UK and spend a few hours with all the Pangolin users over here... One day perhaps


    Quote: "There is a theory which states that if ever, for any reason, anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened.”... Douglas Adams 1952 - 2001

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio


    Sounds awesome! were any of Bill's presentations recorded? I'd be interested in seeing them.

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