hi all
i have an rgb f2000 big dipper laser. firsty the rgb uses a different interface than ilda so im going to update the scanner in it to an ilda compatible one. im putting a 20kpps set in as the ones that are in are 10kpps. this laser has 300mw red. 50mw green and 50mw blue. i was wanting to update the green and the blue in it. i was wondering that if i put 150mw green in how much more red and blue would i have to put in to give it a nice white?
also i love lasers so i think im going to make a home built laser out of the spare 10kpps lasers. im thinking of using the lasers out of my old sik s59 which has 50mw green 160mw red and was going to buy a 405nm laser off the internet its 150mw rated and is only £70. i know it wont be the best laser but for my first project i think it will be pretty good. the blue has been said to be quite dark but not many people have first hand expirience of them so i think ill try it.
i thought people might be intersted in this project as everyone on here seems to love lasers as much as me