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Thread: Community "Crap Filtering" system.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Community "Crap Filtering" system.

    I am working on a "Pure Democratic" system by which users can place infractions/warnings on user accounts that will result in the account being suspended/banned depending on the number and severity of infractions.

    The base functionality of this exists in the board already but I am trying to devise a formulae that is functional yet keeps "power users/heavily networked users" from abusing it.

    I know this is not a perfect solution and I apologize for that, but hopefully it will render itself useful.

    I look forward to *any* advice/suggestions you can come up with here... I am stuck trying to figure out the absolute details attributed to this idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    To extrapolate on the "power user" problem in a *purely* hypothetical manner: Say "Buffo" decides that he doesn't like (Insert Username Here) and send's PM's to everyone he knows requesting people utilize the infraction system.

    Of course Buffo does carry quite a bit of sway here so it would be nice to add modifiers to that point but I am looking for, as stated, a "Pure Democracy" where each users vote counts the same with only a few notable exceptions, like users having to get a few posts under their belt or some time behind them before the voting system comes into play.

    The more I think about it, the more complicated this mess becomes. heh.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Central Florida


    Lets do a "Pure Demonic" system where power users get "mana" points and can zap lesser users with a clue by 4 staff for any reason at all.

    Sorry, Demonic and Democratic looked like they would go so well together...
    Love, peace, and grease,

    allthat... aka: aaron@pangolin

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    To extrapolate on the "power user" problem in a *purely* hypothetical manner: Say "Buffo" decides that he doesn't like (Insert Username Here) and send's PM's to everyone he knows requesting people utilize the infraction system.

    Of course Buffo does carry quite a bit of sway here so it would be nice to add modifiers to that point but I am looking for, as stated, a "Pure Democracy" where each users vote counts the same with only a few notable exceptions, like users having to get a few posts under their belt or some time behind them before the voting system comes into play.

    The more I think about it, the more complicated this mess becomes. heh.
    But you LIKE complicated, don't you?

    I think the ideas you presented in your last paragraph would fit the bill. Based on events here over the last several months, I'd be willing to bet that plenty of folks on this forum would readily apply the "stop the BS" vote if that were an option.

    Metrologic HeNe 3.3mw Modulated laser, 2 Radio Shack motors, and a broken mirror.

  5. #5
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    Users being able to cast "Level 18 Clue-By-Four of the Ancients" would be no different than having moderators floating around.

    I believe I have explained my position on moderators before, if not: here we go.

    Moderators are usually selected from the pool of users where the criterion can roughly be broken down into the following:

    1) They are here a lot
    2) They enjoy the board
    3) They have demonstrated an understanding of the needs of the community
    4) They are even handed and fair
    5) Logic.

    Unfortunately from my perspective the users that meet all these classifications do not deserve to be bogged down with a "job" which will detract away from #2...

    Just plain unfair.

  6. #6
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    I don't know how it can be done just right.

    I'm part of a forum out here in Oregon that just upgraded to a more recent version of vBulletin, at which point a user rating system was implemented.

    At first I thought it was an ok idea, but then I realized that some users known to participate in threads that are meant only to increase a user's post-count had phenomenal user ratings. (They write it off as a method of chatting, but I don't doubt for a second that they all originally participated in these threads with the idea in mind to make it appear that they have 6000 legitimate posts etc...)

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but at the same time, it seems like it could only serve as a barometer of sorts in regard to a user's reputation.


  7. #7
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    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    To extrapolate on the "power user" problem in a *purely* hypothetical manner: Say "Buffo" decides that he doesn't like (Insert Username Here) and send's PM's to everyone he knows requesting people utilize the infraction system.
    Believe it or not, this is a potentially serious problem, and I don't mind being the example here. (I'd like to think that I could be impartial, but I'm sure people can substitute other user names for mine to get an idea of how it would be used for evil.)

    However, being a power user carries another threat. You are the most visible target. So just as the system can be abused by a power user, it can also be manipulated (if not abused) by several "non-power users" to take out a specific target. (Think about the anti-pangolin rants that popped up 3-4 months ago, and how badly that could have ended if something like this was in place without any checks or balances.)
    Of course Buffo does carry quite a bit of sway here so it would be nice to add modifiers to that point but I am looking for, as stated, a "Pure Democracy" where each users vote counts the same with only a few notable exceptions, like users having to get a few posts under their belt or some time behind them before the voting system comes into play.
    Are you familiar with Slashdot's Karma system? Something like that might be a good place to start. Pick a small number of moderators to start with and let them moderate the discussions. Then use the resulting karma scores to dole out more mod points on a random time schedule. Not sure if the forum software will support that sort of thing or not though. (I also don't like the idea that you can't moderate in a thread if you've already posted.)
    The more I think about it, the more complicated this mess becomes.
    Yep. You knew this was coming though. It's been coming ever since you launched the site.


  8. #8
    mixedgas's Avatar
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    Don't do it with votes, unless you have to.

    Yeah , one or two of these guys grates on my nerves, but I've had it with usenet flame wars, I don't need them here. I probably grate on at least two sets of nerves myself.

    How about you restrict the criterion for banishment to fluidic space via the stargate and thus being eaten by species 8472, to bashing of a certain organization and a certain software. That seems to be the usual one, along with abusing the evaluate the seller thing.

    Or certain users can just evaporate, using extraordinary rendition method of banishment. Why give them a cause celebre, or publicly celebrate their demise?. I know, I know, the French like holding the guillotined heads up, but there is a certain painfulness for the community when it is done that way.

    It is your board. You have shown remarkable restraint and the ability to turn the other cheek. I know you have expressed a faith, and that it troubles you to do this. But it might trouble you more to make it a democracy. The founding fathers never ment for a popular vote as we have it today, they wanted the vote to be the landowners and the professionals and a few of the working guys as a balence. There was and is a reason for the electorial college.

    I notice with the demise and exile of one, that the overal technical discussion has declined in his absense, even though his conspiracy theories were misplaced, he did have people asking some good hardware questions.
    You, and some others of us, bent over backwards to educate him of the errors of his ways. That needs to be part of the process. A trial by fire could be part of the process. You send a message, such as you have offended us, apologize if your man enough, go over to youtube and post a video of what you can really do with a laser, and we or admin will decide if you get a second chance.

    I also notice the lack of a certain important industry individual here lately, and I suspect a problem.

    I also hate the secret handshake types, who often base their groupthink decisions on one popular person's evil personal hate.

    Think twice, measure twice, and cut once.

    Really, really, think this over, least things degrade into LPF or candlepower or worse. There is no easy solution.

    Last edited by mixedgas; 03-06-2009 at 18:10.

  9. #9
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    very recently there have been no issues that would require this that I'm aware of. If you do implemement such a system, consider allowing 'positive points' to be added by users who agree with the instigator. After all consider the situation where half the board members dislike a user. that's a lot. but if the other half likes them then they are no worse than a brand new unknown user. Having a public rating system can make a forum seem more closed and clique-ish, but when implemented right in a private , reviewed manner it may make your job easier. I assume that's the goal!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Wouldn't a "REPORT" button be better as on some other forums?

    The problem with vote based banning is you get one group whom don't like one particular person. So they all get together and agree to vote on that person. Result someone gets banned for no reason other than being less popular than someone else.

    With a "REPORT" option, threads that are out of control can come quickly to your attention but editorial control means that you can see if action is really needed or if the report was accidental or unwarranted. Result is much fairer.

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