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Thread: Turn your Fog Machine into a Heavy Fog Machine

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bristol, England


    What we need are glow sticks that are 4 level systems, and where the chemistry is active enough to give a population inversion, then just add a cavity....

    Chemical Oxygen/Iodine glow stick anyone?

    On the subject of low smoke, a smallish upright freezer, a couple of holes in the door, a small fan and a smoke machine with short duration fluid works a treat in a pinch. Stack it full of scrap metal to act as a cold mass.

    Regards, Dan.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by White-Light View Post
    You can get ultra bright glow sticks anyway, its just they only last 5 minutes:
    Yeah, the nice part about nuking a regular glow stick is that they still last for several hours, and can get brighter than the 5 minute version (Depending on the glowsticks, YMMV)

    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post
    One big issue to overcome is as soon as it heats up again it will float. So if you use this technique on a black stage for example, the stage lights warm the floor and the smoke rises. This is where dry ice foggers work well. Some dry ice foggers have a basket inside so you can control it by lowering it into the warm water (which is usually warmed by a water heater)
    Yeah, we'd get the water heated to just under boiling.
    One of the first gigs I worked with a barrel co2 fogger, the wing nut came off of the basket, which was the only thing holding it to it's handle, which was the only thing that allowed you to take it out of the water.

    our course of action was to route the hose out the back door of the theatre, where it continued to fog out the parking lot for the next 30 minutes or so.

    Ahh, high school.
    Last edited by Mr.Coffee; 10-03-2009 at 15:30. Reason: There's too many "M"s in this post!
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  3. #23
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    yea there are tons of different industrial glow sticks hell you can even get an ir glow stick

    hmmm if we can collimate and then double it

  4. #24
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    New type of chemical laser? Chemical luminescence lasers that would be something to research to see if anyone has tried it yet. I am sure there has been some research somewhere. I really want to try microwaving one now to see what its like, I've never heard of that before. Although I have emptied them out and added a much higher concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide before. That makes them react much faster, hotter and much brighter.

    In my comment "So if you use this technique on a black stage for example, the stage lights warm the floor and the smoke rises. This is where dry ice foggers work well" I just realized I forgot to finish my thoughts... I meant to say that the benefit here is that the fog dissipates before it rises enough to impede the performance.

    In my experience with lighting design, I worked with low flow fog two years in a row for the same event. One year we used dry ice and the second we used LF Fog (using a refrigerator and an High End F-100).

    They both had their downsides, the show was a dance show. The year we used dry ice the Marley (dance floor material) got wet from the condensation. The second year it was hard to see the dancers with the fog rising as it warmed.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post
    an High End F-100).

    They both had their downsides, the show was a dance show. The year we used dry ice the Marley (dance floor material) got wet from the condensation. The second year it was hard to see the dancers with the fog rising as it warmed.
    You need both, so that if they slipped, the fog would be high enough to cover it up so people couldn't see it happening

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by White-Light View Post
    You can get ultra bright glow sticks anyway, its just they only last 5 minutes:
    About 12 or so years ago we bought some glow sticks at a camping store on the way to a rave. We accidently bought these 5 minute ultra intensity ones.

    We must have been in this warehouse for a couple of hours dancing with these in our pockets, so they were well warmed up.

    All I can say is f*&+*#g hell! everybody in the place turned around to see what was going on. It must have looked like a UFO had landed in the place, there were shafts of bright green light eminating through the crowd, you couldn't look at them and they got *really* hot.

    Funny though.

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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mliptack View Post
    Adam, I see you and I have more interests in common. When I was much younger my parents wouldn't let me play with fireworks
    Haha! Remember, I grew up in Wisconsin too... And though my folks *would* let me play with fireworks, there weren't many cool fireworks to be hand in Wisconsin.

    However, now that I live in South Carolina, I can buy some *serious* fireworks. Check out this video to see what I mean...


  8. #28
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    I think I had a low ice fogger running under the table at flem- the night of the street party-
    go big or go home

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Things View Post
    You need both, so that if they slipped, the fog would be high enough to cover it up so people couldn't see it happening
    Haha, luckily none of them did fall. Honestly this pales in comparison to the year a CYC light's lamp blew up. I mean total catastrophic failure! Imagine being a dancer and having hot glass raining down and melting the floor you're dancing on.

    Quote Originally Posted by buffo View Post
    Haha! Remember, I grew up in Wisconsin too... And though my folks *would* let me play with fireworks, there weren't many cool fireworks to be hand in Wisconsin.

    However, now that I live in South Carolina, I can buy some *serious* fireworks. Check out this video to see what I mean...

    Ahhh the power balls! That video had escaped me until I read that sentance, and I thought to myself... "hmm I wonder if this was that one vid... (page loaded)... yep it is!"

    Gotta love Wisconsin! Speaking of beer, I've got a batch brewing as we speak. Its an IPA on crack basically... LOTS OF HOPS my favorite!

  10. #30
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