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Thread: Front surface mirror replacement?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Default Front surface mirror replacement?


    I have been given a few nice big bounce mirrors with screws for adjustment but they have been stored in a damp environment so the mirrors have gotten black spots from corrosion.
    Would it be possible to just get new mirrors and glue them on top of the old ones?
    What kind of mirrors and adhesive can you recommend?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Search for "first surface mirror" and you'll find lots of vendors online. When I've needed to replace the mirrors on my bounce mirrors I've had good luck shopping at suppliers who sell mirrors for making kaleidoscopes. (E-bay is another good place to check.)

    It's been a while since I've bought any of those mirrors, but I remember an 8x10 inch mirror that was ~ 1/16th of an inch thick costing around 20 bucks or so.

    You can absolutely glue them in place over the top of your existing mirrors if you want. I'd suggest a 2-part epoxy (like JB-weld or JB-quick), but you could also use some double-sided foam tape adhesive (like the 3M/Scotch 414DC mounting tape).


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Stockholm, Sweden


    Thank you, I'll get some and try!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default FSMs

    IF you don't have extra$$ try these sources:
    Polaroid one-step cams have a nice one inside --shaped like Penn.
    or tombstone shape-fairly thin so easy to cut ,,,(I gently scratch the back side) I only pay $1 or less ...

    inside ALSO a nice small DC motor great for other projects.
    like spyrograph-/Tunnel effect and Liquid sky--but no batt there as it is part of the 'film pack'
    There are some FSMs inside Kasio/BenQ etc PJs aside from the dichro mirrors.

    Messy and time consuming--I use a high quality ('regular') mirror
    and use paint remover( I wear rubber gloves)
    takes more than one coat-- I use a soft old toothbrush at first---then an old 'waterpick') it will not scratch--

    I got a good deal from Fred 'Surplus Shed) on Kodak 4X6 inch somewhat thick FSMs
    good size as -is for bounce and turning uses.

    For a monster size FSM watch for rear projector TVs-being thrown away every where.
    A cheap one will have a light weight non glass mirror (mylar MYB_) and very big--I kept one of those--the others have a glass FSM.
    It is hung over my bed with note on the corner--" Objects in mirror are BIGGER
    than they appear''

    Seems that the older TVs had glass mirrors--or MYB the better brands--also some HUGE lenses (3) some of those are 'liquid' filled.... MYB oil.
    Testing for losses is easy meter twice -- second time meter the turned dot.


    DTR used to sell Kaiso/BenQ PJs--w/ all optics. lenses and heatsinks and four nifty fans

    He may still have some whole (sans diodes) Kasio PJs.. I got 8 of them from Jordan 'long' time ago..

    Thrift shops often throw away flat bed (and combo printer/scanner) scanners - at least one or as many as 4 long narrow high(ish) quality FSMs inside most a tad thick but in some the short and wider one is the best-easy to cut -- thinner. Sometimes PC repair shops end up with some-
    between FSMs, CDRom 'disc' mirrors and free 'pulled' 18650s these shops are a goldmine.

    Hundreds of Thousands of these scanner end up in the land fills.

    Last edited by hakzaw1; 12-09-2020 at 18:47.
    BEYOND-FB3/APC40Mamba Black(clone & currently on loan) 2X 5paghetti & 2 I-Show 2X KGB 1000mW 532 DT40K (pair)XFX 1300 RGB full color RGB 30K DIY 3.5WRGB work in progress et al..assorted ttl chi-jectors--LOTS of LUMIA DIY pjs-
    Powered by Pangolin
    Former (2.5 yrs) ILDA Member- :-(
    uncertified ILDA LSO -- dont ask

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Cool sputter gun

    I have had great success using a home made sputter gun made from an old microwave oven using the transformer. there not hard to make and dose a great job on coating flat glass as well as optics, you can find the DIY SPUTTER GUN on youtube, a peanut butter jar and some hardware, transformer, powers supply and a few hours of love and thought you be making your own reflective optics from barely to full reflectivity search on youtube "Plasma Sputtering" or
    "home built desktop DC magnetron sputter machine" This one recommended
    The variable transformer,($60 -$100) is the most expensive component every thing else is scavenged, second had stores or surplus.
    it's quite a cool feeling to make your own custom surface coated mirrors for your own custom projects!

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