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Thread: This is amazing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default This is amazing

    I can hardly believe this but... poor guy.
    -Necessary reading for laser inexperienced and new laser experimenters!
    (from another thread on PL)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Poor guy...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Candidate for Dar...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    what a fucking idiot.

    Exactly Steve, a candidate fot the Darwin awards
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    He's not exactly qualified for a Darwin Award. Well, not yet anyway.

    In order to win a Darwin Award, you have to remove yourself from the gene pool. This guy just removed his ability to see out of his left eye. Still, he's on the right track.

    (I couldn't believe it when, after he got flashed the first time, he decided to do it again! What a moron...)


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    I myself feel that this ?Dur ... uses too many technichal refs to be a stupid guy sittting in front of a laser and quoting the results..... To be honest .... would you create a web page about it ..... :roll: or would you talk to people like us on a forum like this before you tell the world .....

    my view BS....... with a capital bull and a cart full of shit ...........

    sounds to me like one of those EBAY sellers that wants to piss people off

    now prove me .... stupid ...

    all the best Karl ..stupid .. Dawson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    Oh... and just to add ....

    Between .......84 and 93 i had to wear specs because my vision was so bad because
    i spent 11 hours a day sitting in front of an orange hercules VDU display ( CRT to you an me ) ohh and a CGA
    little bit better res ... display ... both shit if you are in front of threm ...

    my eye sight now is a lot better since i have been scanning my eyes with lasers...

    Honestly ........ my brain is "now interested" in the images it sees ,,,,,

    apart from the images that are alcohol indused .... and i cant spell when im drunk ....hic

    PS .... bit lonley here in a SA hotel room .... just me n a bottle of .... wine

    hey but least its a really tasty bottle ... hic
    ohh .. fuk it i have a laser pointer in my pen ... i will shine it on the wall .....


    I hope you know im joking .....

    all the best .... karl

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    You have a point Karl. I, too, initially questioned the validity of the site because of the low power levels cited. Referring to the famous experiment where patients that were due to have their eyes removed anyway were first exposed to light from 5 mw *red* laser pointers for up to 5 minutes with no damage, I doubted that the reflected beam (using his numbers) would have been powerful enough to cause any damage at all. (See the laser safety section of Sam's laser faq for the citation.)

    But then I remembered that the experiment above was repeated a few years laser with *green* DPSS pointers, and the results were very different. In the second trial, many subjects did experience vision problems - some after only a few seconds of exposure. The doc said that he thought the increased damage was caused by the eye's increased sensitivity to green. (Note that this didn't refer to retinal burns - just color and brightness irregularities in the subject's vision.)

    So, with that in mind, I felt that it was possible that the guy might have really injured himself. After all, he doesn't seem to have an axe to grind with anyone. He doesn't try to make the case that souped-up pointers should be banned. In fact, the whole site screams "I was stupid - learn from my mistake..." Add to that the fact that he clearly spend a good bit of time creating the images that attempt to show the vision irregularities he now has, and I'd say that the site was probably created out of a desire to spread the word.

    True, the guy is damn foolish for doing what he did. But *everyone* has done something stupid in their life. (Some of us have done it more times than others...) I know a chemical engineer that is friggin' brilliant when it comes to organic chemistry, but couldn't understand why the unsecured, always-on wireless router in his (usually vacant) vacation house was a very *bad* idea. He thought he'd be like "Starbucks", offering free Wi-Fi to anyone on the beach within range of his place. (Duhhh...)


    PS: Sounds like you're bored out of your skull in that hotel right about now dude... Have another drink. (Have one for me too! I'm stuck at work and won't be able to have one for a couple hours yet. Sigh...) Sure wish you could make it over here for one of the meets...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    um, i really dont think an exposure of 15mw caused permanent damage unless he let it sit there past a level of comfort.

    myself on the otherhand fell victim to 8 watts directly into the eye for less than a second (this was an accidental occurance, i didnt just decide i wanted to see how pretty it looked) . Things are a tiny bit blury still after 2 years. I dont recomend a laser to the eye

    Anyhow, laser to the eye = bad

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lancashire UK


    Adam .. you are so correct ... we have all done the foolish stuff

    myself ... i been in front of Hi Power shows (No problems) and have been at home in front of my projector for a few hours ..... (No Problems )
    And I have never woken up in the morning with eye problems or head pains ....

    BUT many a time when I was an aprentice engineer and i worked with our welder .... it could put me out of action for a few days .... ohhh the pain was unbelievable ....

    ARCeye ..... more like having a really bad hangover without drinking any booze ...

    all the best ... KARL

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