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Thread: Cheap 350 mw RYG projector on E-bay...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Default Cheap 350 mw RYG projector on E-bay...

    Anyone else see this "Buy-it-Now" auction on E-bay for the red-yellow-green projector? (auction number 7420332049)

    Just $370 bucks for a 300 mw 650 nm diode plus a 50 mw DPSS green, and they throw in the stepper motors and the DMX board too?

    I don't know how they're doing this so cheap. You can't buy 300 mw of 650 nm for less than about $300 or so, and that 50 mw dpss unit is worth at least another $100. Then add the dichro, the mirrors, the case, and the other parts...

    Heck - it might be worth it just to buy one and part it out!

    Now if it only had a proper set of galvos in it, it would be perfect! Though I'll admit that you can do a lot with steppers too...

    Dang, if I hadn't spent so much money on other stuff lately I'd get one just for the hell of it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S.E. Florida

    Default Re: Cheap 350 mw RYG projector on E-bay...

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo
    Anyone else see this "Buy-it-Now" auction on E-bay for the red-yellow-green projector? (auction number 7420332049)

    Just $370 bucks for a 300 mw 650 nm diode plus a 50 mw DPSS green, and they throw in the stepper motors and the DMX board too?

    I don't know how they're doing this so cheap. You can't buy 300 mw of 650 nm for less than about $300 or so, and that 50 mw dpss unit is worth at least another $100. Then add the dichro, the mirrors, the case, and the other parts...

    Heck - it might be worth it just to buy one and part it out!

    Now if it only had a proper set of galvos in it, it would be perfect! Though I'll admit that you can do a lot with steppers too...

    Dang, if I hadn't spent so much money on other stuff lately I'd get one just for the hell of it.

    Hey Adam, Check this one out, same guy.
    "Gravity its not just a good idea its the law"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Silicon Valley


    Plus $135AUD shipping - ouch!

    From the pictures I'd say it either TTL blanking or maybe no blanking at all.

    Would be interesting to see what the 300mW "650nm" laser is. I'm sure it's actually 658-665nm.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I got the f-02 for my first laser setup. there is ttl but it's so slow. the red died after two weeks. the beam spliter is just mounted on a screw. I do however use the case.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Melbourne, Australia


    Just to let you guys know, the red is 2 diodes mixed with a pbs cube. And they do have ttl mod.

    The Chinese lasers are getting very cheep eh. And i think with all the competition the quality is starting to follow.
    KVANT Australian projector sales

    Lasershowparts- Laser Parts at great prices

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Default Re: Cheap 350 mw RYG projector on E-bay...

    Quote Originally Posted by Astroguy
    Hey Adam, Check this one out, same guy.

    I thought you were going to be in Alaska! What gives? Did you cancel?

    Yeah, that RGB unit looks really nice. I've spoken to a guy (Dream Beamz - he's here on PhotonLexicon) about those units and he says they're awesome! They've got the 15Kpps Chinese galvos in them, but he's been able to push them beyond 15K with no problems. Surprisingly the white balance is pretty good. He sent me a couple pictures and a few videos, and they look great.

    Prices are certainly dropping!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Junktronix
    From the pictures I'd say it either TTL blanking or maybe no blanking at all.
    Would be interesting to see what the 300mW "650nm" laser is. I'm sure it's actually 658-665nm.
    Not sure about the wavelength of the red laser... You may be right; that would explain the low price.

    As for the blanking - with the RYG unit above I can't be sure, but for the RGB unit that Astroguy linked to in his post above I know for a fact that they come with analog blanking. (Dream Beamz has one, and he loves it.)

    Still, it would seem silly that they'd have two different power supplies for their lasers - one that supports blanking and another that didn't... (It's not like you're saving all that much money by omitting the blanking circuit.) But I suppose it's possible.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S.E. Florida

    Default Re: Cheap 350 mw RYG projector on E-bay...

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffo
    Quote Originally Posted by Astroguy
    Hey Adam, Check this one out, same guy.

    I thought you were going to be in Alaska! What gives? Did you cancel?

    Yeah, that RGB unit looks really nice. I've spoken to a guy (Dream Beamz - he's here on PhotonLexicon) about those units and he says they're awesome! They've got the 15Kpps Chinese galvos in them, but he's been able to push them beyond 15K with no problems. Surprisingly the white balance is pretty good. He sent me a couple pictures and a few videos, and they look great.

    Prices are certainly dropping!

    I don`t leave for Alaska untill 30th of June.
    "Gravity its not just a good idea its the law"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Oh - ok.. My bad then! ops:

    I'm still trying to get an HGM 5... Should know something later this week!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Charlotte, NC


    the f2000 is exactly what i was talking about. i was shocked about the analog moduation and color balance when it arrived. If anyone wants to do a group buy i can get em alot cheaper than that auction...

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