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Thread: on the road to phlegm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default on the road to phlegm

    Well guys (and girls) who are on this forum 00 I've really fucked up now--
    girls- please turn off now--

    ok --

    I think I took out 2 Maxymodules tonite (B4 booze-time I was completely sober) by an accidental back-reflection- I had a FS mirror where the scanners are gonna go- screwing into place and one of the Maxys went dim- I thought WTF then about a minute later the other one went to looking like 5 mW too. I thought PS so substituted-- no good
    I think I fucked up (2) Maxyzmodules at once. Fuck ME DAMN..

    I think I'm gonna cry..

    I'll be at SELEM with a 250mW green pointer and a 30mW argon-
    pardon me whilst i go throwup....
    Chuck warned me about back reflections and I was real careful except this one time... couldnt been more than a ms or 2 but that must be like an eternity for an LD

    I emailed him about a repair-- no response yet-- does anybody know if he repairs them? -or are they sealed--potted?
    I'm gonna go cry in the corner now

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    Quote Originally Posted by steve-o View Post
    Well guys (and girls) who are on this forum 00 I've really fucked up now--
    girls- please turn off now--
    Damn, sorry to hear that Steve-o. Perhaps you can take solace in the fact that we all screw up now and then. Its part of the learning experience, right? Heck, even with me, I always take extreme care when working with electronics and yet, I recently blew the IDE port on my QM2000. I just chalked it up to the fact that I haven't let the smoke out of anything lately and guess it was just time. Sucks being pangolinless though! Hopefully Chuck will work something out with you. To bad I just gave away my Maxymodule, otherwise I would have just sent it to you.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Thanks David,
    Yeah, it probably was about time for me..
    Thanks for the solace--
    I have been lucky up till now.
    and I'll just have to hope that maybe Chuck does reworks on theMaxYzsmods...
    I haven't let the smoke out of anything lately and guess it was just time
    I too work on electronics and have let the "magic smoke" out on many occasions
    That's something about your your QM2000 -- I hate that. Maybe you can get it fixed soon..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    What are you trying to do..
    Thats not red smoke inside either..heh.

    Sorry that has happend to you man.
    I cant tell you how many times Ive got hit by the backreflection
    bitterness. And just when I have finished with the unit too.
    I used to save all the bad diodes in a jar to remind me of all the money
    that literally went to the great lasershow in the sky.
    I stopped because it only pissed me off!!!'

    PM sent with details on the repair.
    "My signature has been taken, so Insert another here"
    *^_^* aka PhiloUHF

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Thanks Chuck!!
    'Appriciate it!
    --Cheap 'tho expensive--
    my fuckup--i pay-- although alot cheaper than having to buy 2 more Maxyxs --Brand New.. <whew>
    Thanks Dude!
    PS- U thinnk U could put 622nM diodes in them this time?
    (insert fitting allthat smiley here)

    <whew- sigh of relief>
    I may have a projector for SELEM afterall..ahhh

    Chuck's the MAN Dude..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Hey Chuck,
    I dont do paypal but your price is very reasonable for repairs--
    MO on the way-
    I really appreciate it!!!
    I'll not be doing any back-reflections aggain heheheh-egh -uh
    Thanks again man--

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Native Floridian


    Glad to see that it will be fixed in time for SELEM!

    Maybe you can get it fixed soon..
    Already in the shop, has been for some time now. I told them not to do a rush job on it since I'm in no hurry. Though SELEM will be here before you know it!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC

    Thumbs up

    Yeah, gotta second that one. Chuck is the man.

    He helped out a pal of mine when he had a problem too. He's good people. (So take a bow already, Chuck!) Oh, wait - I forgot about the bad back. Don't take a bow, don't take a bow!!! (Shit, if he just hosed his back up I'll never forgive myself...)

    Glad to hear that you'll have your rig working in time for SELEM there, Steve-o.


    PS: Chuck, I may be ready to dual-out my Maxyz module setup. Will know for sure in a couple weeks...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Well I dont know if ill really have it done for selem uhhh...I sure as hell gonna try..
    Whats going on with all the bad backs--I thought I had the corner on them...
    Spec, Marconi, shit-- ..must be from used to lifting all the large framers bacck in the day .. are we all old timers herre? Sorry the typing is getting lousy due to the hour probably have to sign off now. bye-
    Buffo- yeah I'm pumped too about SELEM gonna be fogggggy--
    ahh --i can feel it ..hehh..yeah.......__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Foggy? Oh yeah! (I actually bought one of those Antari Z1200 fog machines off E-bay last week just for this event. Should be here in about a week.) I figure we'll probably want at least two of them running...

    If I drive up there in a couple weeks, I'll bring my projector and my fog machine and see how it looks. (I'll also get an idea of how much fog we'll need...)

    Re: Bad backs. Yeah, we're all getting old. I just went through a month of therapy on my back. Lucky for me it was only muscle damage. Doing quite well now. Some of our other members aren't so fortunate though.

    SELEM is really starting to shape up. Gonna be a great time for sure!


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