View Poll Results: Which version of Windows do you use?

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  • Windows 10

    13 86.67%
  • Windows 7

    2 13.33%
  • Older

    0 0%
  • None

    0 0%
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Thread: Which version of Windows are you using?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brooklyn NYC


    i was actually a vj during the me days and would never trust it on a live gig it was very prone to bsod

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Langhus - Norway

    Default Windows 10 Rock solid

    As I hvae been working with computers, sales and service for many years, a lot of different hardware have come my way for free. So still i have a lot of "non fit for business" laptops, and i like to tinker around installing different OS, on theese. So far i can`t say that I have found one piece of machinery not handeling Win10 quite well. I am actually impressed.

    When it comes to Software, it is a totally different matter. So for various purposes, I have a XP for running car-diag for an older ODB scanner (PSA-system) - Win 7 for 32bit apps - Win 7 on the "surveilence server" at my cottage, as it just runs and runs without any issues. Win 10 on most machines otherwise. A few laptops with Ubuntu as well, as i like to see what great pieces of software are out there for free, running om minimal hardware.

    But as for the Poll my answer was Win10 as it is the main OS for everyday use, including the Dedicated boxes for laser use.

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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brooklyn NYC


    ill agree i like 10 since they restored the standard start bar but i used clasic shell before as that other system kinda suck or i dont like it after 20+ years of using a specific way with start bar and all the menu hierarchies is just familiar

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    My brother do some Delphi development so he needs a windows XP vm. Yes! Delphi is still a major technology here in Brazil and is very known and used by small companies.
    The only thing I miss from windows 9x era is wingroove, which was a very good midi software synthesizer. Too bad it is as 16bit program, so it can only be run by windows x86 versions.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I generally try and use XP for lab work (obviously not internet connected, but I do have an isolated lan that they can use to access the NAS for file sharing), but I have a few pieces of equipment that are still on win2k without a clear path to move them to XP. It really is amazing how snappy a 1GHz PIII with an SSD feels under win2k, honestly those instruments are more responsive than my work laptop with a quad core i7 screaming along at 5x the clock rate and with a disk that is literally a 100-1000x faster. I actually just finished a program to clear out the last of the machines running pre-win2K, I was able to upgrade my TDS8000 scope all of the way from its original version of windows 95 up to XP by swapping out its oddball NLX motherboard for one that had driver support for XP and a bit of driver gymnastics to get the tek software to play nice.

    I don't really mind windows 7, and used it for work/school for the better part of a decade, but I can't stand windows 10 with the complete utter contempt toward me as its master. After the 3rd time it forced a reboot to push whatever microsoft garbage of the day (once it was Teams, twice it was Edge) in the middle of the night and effed my experiment (even after working with IT to deploy a no-unatended reboot policy!) I started a program at work to move our lab computers over to linux. For desk work I use OSX now, which is not my first choice but at least is supported by IT at work and for the most part respects me. I have been postponing the catalina update though until IT figures out a way to disable the calling home on the first run of an unsigned executable, because -- in addition to be being absurd -- it slows some of our workflows down by an order of magnitude.

    At home I use ubuntu/MATE for productivity, but do not plan to upgrade past 18.04 when the LTS runs out, and will probably switch to pure debian/MATE or maybe back to centos, unless ubunts starts to revert their push to move to snap as the package management. In addition to the standalone instruments running windows I keep one windows 7 VM which has had auto-updates disabled since before the stealth pre-installation of windows 10 was pushed out, which has my licenses to the closed source software I need to interact with the rest of the world.

  6. #16
    mixedgas's Avatar
    mixedgas is offline Creaky Old Award Winning Bastard Technologist
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    I like our stripped down version of 7 for lab work. I've had way too many lab experiments and presentations crashed by 10 for my colleagues at work. Not to mention perfectly good custom programs that will not run on it but run fine on 7.
    We keep quite a few XP machines for lab tools that there are no upgrade paths for. IT however is trying to force us to rid ourselves of anything that will not run under 10.

    I reluctantly have to take show stuff out in the field under 10 and 7, I know of numerous disasters caused by this, and so have dual laser show control systems. I keep my LD2000 machine for a reason.

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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Raleigh, NC


    Thanks for the responses. Still a significant number Win7 users out there based on this limited sample set, but it at least tells me mainly what I wanted to know.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Colorado USA


    I too, still have one Dell workstation with Win7 Pro 32-bit that is dedicated to my DIY CNC machine. I do not connect it to the Internet since the last Win7 Pro update. The CNC breakout board I use to control the CNC machine via Mach3 software requires a parallel port. The new breakout boards that work with Win10 64-bit are USB based. The Dell workstation is only 32-bit and it works perfectly fine for what is needed under Win7 Pro.
    Everything depends on everything else

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