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Thread: Hello from Texas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default Hello from Texas

    My first post here-mostly a lurker for long time-nice forum with kind members- I am a friend of Luke's-(yobresal) thank you for having me...Len

    sorry it has taken me so long to say Howdy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Nottingham, UK


    Belated welcome to PL then from me

    Have you built, or do you have plans to make a laser projector yet?

    Best Regards,
    - There is no such word as "can't" -
    - 60% of the time it works every time -

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Where in Texas?

    Quote Originally Posted by hakzaw1 View Post
    My first post here-mostly a lurker for long time-nice forum with kind members- I am a friend of Luke's-(yobresal) thank you for having me...Len

    sorry it has taken me so long to say Howdy
    Please update your profile to include a vague location... Texas is a big place!

    Support your local Janitor- not solicited .

    Laser (the acronym derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation) is a spectacular manifestation of this process. It is a source which emits a kind of light of unrivaled purity and intensity not found in any of the previously known sources of radiation. - Lasers & Non-Linear Optics, B.B. Laud.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    the hills

    Default howdy!

    Welcome to the PL.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default Hak's 1020

    I live in Churchill-one hour South(+/-) of Houston.

    thanks to all for the greets, like what you have done with the place...did you decorate it yourself??

    never saw so many smileys to choose from

    peace Len

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)


    Quote Originally Posted by danielbriggs View Post
    Belated welcome to PL then from me

    Have you built, or do you have plans to make a laser projector yet?

    Best Regards,

    Best regards back at you Dan

    No projector builds yet-

    It is on my list of "Stuff I would really like to do someday"

    Do I get shown the door if it never get around to it?? lol--J/K

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Nottingham, UK


    Well get on down to the next LEM, and you're priorities will change after you see the kit - I guarantee!

    (I also guarantee, your wallet may NOT be thankful! )

    - There is no such word as "can't" -
    - 60% of the time it works every time -

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Churchill(hour S from Houston)

    Default - 60% of the time it works every time -

    I like that one!!! ^^^

    and this one too.....'76.89% of all statistics are made up on the spot'

    LEM=Laser Enthuaist Meet??? I hear there may be one in Dallas, Texas Aug 14th

    Kit as in Projector kit?--is it going to be 'So easy a cave-man can do it'??

    also known as the 'kit for dummies'?? now you have my attention-

    -I can faintly hear my wallet moaning already!!!!

    Many(all) of the PL avatars are awesome!! mine sucks--2$ disco ball--hoping no one will look at it too closely!!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    airoprts, hotels, and busses


    Ex-Keeper of the QM2000 boards.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Charleston, SC


    Welcome to PhotonLexicon, Len. Glad you like it here.
    Quote Originally Posted by hakzaw1 View Post
    LEM=Laser Enthuaist Meet??? I hear there may be one in Dallas, Texas Aug 14th
    Exactly. Though I'm not aware of one coming up in August - at least not in Texas, that is.

    We do have an event planned for the weekend of August the 21st and 22nd though. It's an annual event: the South Eastern Laser Enthusiast's Meeting, or SELEM. This will be the 4th annual SELEM. It's always held in Newton, North Carolina - mainly because that's where we found a great 500 seat auditorium that we can rent out for the entire weekend without spending a fortune.

    Now, I grant you that Newton, NC is a long haul from Churchill, TX... Still, it's a road trip that you might want to consider taking. There will be between 25 and 30 people present, and probably somewhere north of 15 full color laser projectors set up on stage. There will be music, food, and awesome laser shows for 2 full days. There will also be 2 days of camaraderie, kibitzing, socializing, and general mayhem (especially at the nightly after-hours party in the hotel conference room).

    If you're thinking about building a projector, this event will motivate you like nothing else. You'll get to talk to people who have built their own projectors. You can learn from their experiences, and enlist the aid of people who can help you later on when you begin building your projector.

    You'll get a taste of what it will be like when you get your own projector up and running, and that taste is a powerful motivating factor to finish your own rig. You'll also be able to see several different laser controllers and software packages running side-by-side. This will help you figure out which solution will suit you best when it's time to get one.

    And to top it all off, on Monday, August 23rd (the day after SELEM), Casey Stack from Laser Compliance Inc. is going to put on a day-long safety seminar just for PL members. He's given us special pricing for this event; to attend in person only costs $70. (Ordinarily this class would cost between $800 and $1200 per person.) He plans to cover general laser safety, laser show safety, laser projector safety, and compliance with US laws as they pertain to laser shows. The goal is to give people the training they need to build and operate a laser projector safely, as well as instruct them in the process of obtaining a variance, both for the projector and for the show.

    So if you've got any time off available in August, this might be something you want to consider. It's unlikely that we'll be able to get Casey to come back to an event like this for such a low price ever again. Google-Maps says it's an 18 hour drive for you... Not too bad, especially if you have someone in the car with you. Or you could fly into Charlotte, NC and rent a car. (The Charlotte airport is less than an hour from the venue.) For the record, we've got people driving in from as far as Washington State to attend...

    Check out the SELEM threads in the meet and greet sub-forum for more info.


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