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Thread: SELEM 2022 Sign-up Thread

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    Bordentown NJ USA

    Default Special Guest Star Mixed Gas arriving tonight

    Steve Roberts will be on his way shortly.
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  2. #82
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by TheHermit View Post
    Howdy Laser Heads!
    Just reading through the SELEM thread, noticing all of the preps and enthusiasm for this year's event. Looks like it's going to be an amazing one, so I'm wishing that I could be there to meet everyone and join in all of the fun.😭
    Reckons I best git my gear all sparkled up fer next year to join in the shin-dig, ifin' the creek ain't flooded er nuttin'.
    Awesome community!👏👏👏👏
    Sure hoping your can make it next year!

    We watched the Laserium documentary last night... didn't see you there!

  3. #83
    Join Date
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    DC area


    I am going to be mucking with the broadcast probably for the rest of the weekend, so expect some live troubleshooting/soup/broken views, but we are currently live! I have audio and video feeds from both rooms and some booth cams set up.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jul 2022

    Default Thank you for an AMAZING time

    Quote Originally Posted by mrsekeefe View Post
    Hi All,
    This is Mary Keefe, Ed Keefe's wife. I'm planning to come to SELEM for a couple of days this week, Monday - Wednesday range. I feel like I know many of you due to Ed's stories from SELEMs in the past but am really looking forward to meeting people face to face. Lasers were one of his great passions and he really enjoyed talking through ideas and designs with everyone.

    I'm bringing some of Ed's things along and Buffo and DZ have kindly provided some space and guidance. If there is anything Ed had that people would like me to bring, please let me know. (As I don't know what half of the things he had are, I will do my best to locate them!)

    Take care and safe travels all.
    I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know how very special it was to attend my first SELEM this year. Today marks 6 months since Ed/ekeefe passed. I have a feeling he will be watching the concert tonight from above enjoying the music and the show.

    I let his son Matthew know of all the kind words and stories people shared. I *think* I may have convinced him he needs to attend next year. I feel that my brother John is already sold on the idea and I'm planning on showing up.

    I really didn't know what to expect when I decided to attend the event. I could not have met a more kind, welcoming, zany (in a good way!), and supportive group. It was a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to staying in touch.

    Take care of yourselves and your loved ones!

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default A Sincere Thank You!


    This year’s SELEM was amazing. My thanks to Mary Keefe and her brother for making the trip to SELEM and spending time with us. After an eight year hiatus, I return to find that the venue is amazing, the inclusion of the Z5+ and Radiator consoles is amazing, and the inclusion of video is something new, exciting and also amazing - what an incredible complement to laser shows going forward. This was a visual feast unlike any past SELEM that I have experienced - nicely done everyone!

    With everything from ions, to a truly wicked blue diode beast that Buffo treated us to was interesting to say the least. Retro to cutting edge… WOW! Talking animation with Nisha, old memories and the crossover from film to laser, all incredible stuff that really resonated with me.

    My old friends, as well making new friends - all of you make up our extended laser family. My only regret, was being away for as long as I was. I hope to be back for what is possible in 2023. Having the “Echoes” band as part of this event simply put it over the top.

    A special thanks to Brad, Adam, David Z and David F, Jason, Chris S and Chris T, Rick & Tiffany, Newlin and to everyone that I’ve missed on the frontline, or worked in the shadows to pull this off, a huge Thank You! To all that brought equipment, developed content and weathered the expense to make this happen - Thank You! The number of multimedia possibilities have me excited about what may be next!

    To those on the PL forum that didn’t make it, couldn’t make it, or were on the fence, I would encourage you to consider being at SELEM 2023, come join this event - it was great!, sad that it’s over, yet excited about the future.

    More ZOOM calls to follow!

    Great work everyone!
    Last edited by Displaser; 08-06-2022 at 12:21.
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  6. #86
    Join Date
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    Grand Rapids, Mi


    Quote Originally Posted by Displaser View Post

    More ZOOM calls to follow!

    Great work everyone!

    Was it ever decide are we going to try a quarterly call? Just to hang out.
    leading in trailing technology

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by polishedball View Post
    Was it ever decide are we going to try a quarterly call? Just to hang out.
    Hey John,

    It was great seeing you again! Also nice to see you have a potential laserist in the family too!

    We talked about a bimonthly call, probably quarterly at a minimum. If we do our next ZOOM call two months out after SELEM, I think this is a good interval. I’d suggest that we reconvene sometime towards the end of September.

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  8. #88
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    Charleston, SC


    Another SELEM has come and gone! If only I had gotten more sleep...

    I finally unloaded my gear last night. I was just too tired to do it on Monday. (I thought this stuff was supposed to get lighter now that we're all using diodes - sheesh!)

    Thanks again to everyone who helped make this event so special. I do realize that this year things were a little off because many people were focused on the Friday show with the Pink Floyd tribute band. We're working on changing things up for next year so that won't be an issue.

    Regarding the Holiday Inn and all the issues we had, I think it might be worth looking into other options for next year. I know that the people who stayed at the Elk Forge B&B had a much better experience, for example. Something worth discussing at least...

    Note that the dates for next year's SELEM have already been selected: It will be from Sunday, August 6th, 2023 through Friday, August 11th, 2023.

    Once things calm down a bit, I think we'll set up a ZOOM call with everyone so we can chat about what went well and what needs to be improved for next year.


  9. #89
    Join Date
    May 2014


    So the Echoes show, if there is one, would be Saturday the 5th?

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